underwater Photo Course :: (8) underwater Photo Subjects :: Macro and Close-Up :: Super Macro
Super Macro
U/W Photo Course
Learn u/w photography the easy way!
 | © Jeff Chua De Guzman Gold Medal | Super Macro is underwater photography of extremely small subjects. These images are taken at less than 1:1
and taken with multiple extension rings, diopters, or teleconverters. These subjects are typically the size of your little thumbnail!
Super Macro is one area where compactType of camera that does not employ a SLR viewfinder. cameras are at an advantage underwater. Super Macro images are harder to create on a SLR/D-SLR.
When subjects are only a few millimeters long you need multiple extension rings (or reversing ring?) and/or diopters and port
extensions, and a very steady hand for SLR Super Macro!
As for picture quality - the SLR guys argued at first that images taken on a "point and shoot" cameras
could not be technically up to scratch. Such inverse snobbery is
encountered whenever something new comes along (just remember the film-v-digital
controversy). True, SLR lenses are superior but when you are shooting through all the optical trash that those diopters give you the difference is academic. Many consumer digicams have the same generation of the CCDCharge Coupled Device. An integrated circuit (microchip) consisting of a group of charge storage cells (tiny capacitors) with the ability to pass charge from one to the next in a line like firefighters passing buckets from one to the next.
found in D-SLR's and you only have to zoom the results to see the
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