underwater Photo Course :: (7) Advanced Techniques :: Maintaining Motivation
Maintaining Motivation
U/W Photo Course
Learn u/w photography the easy way!
Once you have mastered the basic technical aspects of
underwater photography (focus and exposure) you look for strategies to improve
your pictures.
First of all, take heart - we all had to start at the
same place; even those people whose work you admire the most, have experienced
the same frustration as you at some stage!
It takes time, and experience, to develop an 'eye' for photography and, as
the saying goes, it is better to make progress in short, easy steps, where
regular success maintains motivation. Unfortunately, such is the seasonal nature
of sport diving that progress does tend to happen in quantum leaps rather than
steadily. Land photography can help, but nothing beats the real thing.
I'm very wary of people who say 'you should' do one
thing or another that will unequivocally improve your technique. I'd much sooner
take their advice as a starting point and develop from there.
You can often learn from your mistakes than you can from
your successes, so analyze ALL your work - honestly.
don't forget the best
shot that you will ever take is always the next one!
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