underwater Photo Course :: (2) Equipment Guide :: Underwater Camera Housings :: Digital Underwater Cameras :: Camera Housing Viewfinders
U/W Photo Course
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One photographic mistake
that can be cured by equipment choice is subject cropping. It is vital to preview the image exactly.
The best camera viewfinder system to this is called Single Lens Reflex (SLR). By
means of an ingenious prism and mirror system, you can see the image exactly as it is seen
through the lens (TTL)

The viewfinder on many budget point and shoot cameras is merely a 'window' built
in to the camera body (AKA a rangefindera simple window in the camera or accessory on top that approximates the coverage of the lens for framing composition system). Unfortunately, with the rangefinder system, it is very difficult to
judge lens coverage and it is therefore easy to crop your subject accidentally due to
parallaxThe apparent difference in position of an object when seen from two different viewpoints.
 | optical finders |
Point and shoot digicams allow you to preview the image on their rear
LCDLiquid Crystal Display. Such displays on the back of a digital camera allow you to preview images. These usually use TFT technology. Also used to display info on film cameras.
However, you should check in your manual whether they give 100% coverage
There are also optical viewfinders available for 35mm point and shoot film cameras that slot onto the
top of the camera and, being larger, aid viewing and composition.
Next >> Viewfinder Optics