underwater Photo Course :: (11) Digital Imaging :: Color Management :: Colour Space
Color Space
U/W Photo Course
Learn u/w photography the easy way!
There are many ways color can be represented. Photographic dyes can be seen via reflected light (photos) or transmitted light (slides) or, on your monitor, by lighting phosphors on the inside of the screen!
In the CMYKCyan Magenta yellow Black. The inks used in fourcolor process printing.color space Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow inks are combined to create colors, with Black added to intensify them (and save ink!).
The problems arise when you work across two color spaces, as you do with digital imaging - you may scan in a photo (RGBRed green and blue the three primary colors and color space used by film and monitors.), retouch it on your monitor (RGB), but output it to laser, bubble-jet, dye sub printers (CMYK).

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