underwater Photo Course :: (11) Digital Imaging :: Image Files :: Image File Resolution
Image File Resolution
U/W Photo Course
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Resolution is the term used to describe the amount of data in a file, screen display or printed image etc.
 | © Larissa Roorda Gold Medal | Resolution is usually expressed in
DPIDots per inch. Usually used in context of monitors but can also be a printing terms.
PPIPoints per inch. Same thing as DPI
- both are the same animal. The more Dots Per Inch the greater the resolutionResolution is the term used to describe the amount of data in a file screen display or printed image etc. is said to be (and the greater the file size will be). Just to confuse us, you might also hear other units of measure (centimetres, picas). Avoid such distractions like the plague. The rest of the World might be going Metric but us ‘mouse jockeys’ are going to stick with inches!
Resolution terminology is about as understandable as Klingon. It's a mixture of words derived from printing, photography, computer graphics, and pre-press services.
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