To be inducted into the Underwater Photography Hall of Fame an underwater photographer must have excelled in their art, and be universally recognised by their peers as being among the all time greats.
Glenn Ian Villanueva |  | + 2022 World Champion - Glenn Ian Villanueva +Glenn posted consistent incredible shots to the competition throughout the year. Its amazing to see how in a matter of a few years he upgraded cameras and became a top-notch underwater photographer. We are prod to have him as our world champion. Who is Glenn? I was born and raised in Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, Philippines. I am a certified public accountant (CPA) by profession, working as a tax consultant in one of the auditing firms in the Business District of Makati City, Philippines. Currently a PADI Dive Master and a PADI certified underwater photographer, I started scuba diving back in 2015 and got immersed into it when underwater photography was introduced to me by my instructor sometime in 2016. Diving is miles apart from my profession but it is exactly what I need to survive in the corporate jungle. The warm and sometimes cold water as you descend underwater offers the perfect environment for the busy mind to cool down, to relax and be creative. Finding a nudibranch sitting on a rock becomes a blank canvass for the mind to explore possibilities with. I regularly dive in Anilao, Batangas and started with Olympus TG4 with handheld torch mostly doing macro shots. As simple as this set-up was, it gave me an understanding of light, how it affected the photos I took as I played around with the camera. As I progressed, I started shooting with Sony A7R (in Nauticam Housing) or Sony A6300 (in Fantasea housing) with my trusty Inon Strobes, Backscatter Miniflash and RGBlue to illuminate the subject surroundings. I love the underwater world, I dream of doing this full-time one day.
Jose Maria Abad Ortega |  | + 2021 World Champion - Jose Maria Abad Ortega +Jose was born in Spain but currently living in the Philippines. He only joined in September and has since excelled in many categories posting incredible photos. Jose posted 189 entries this year out of which 8 reached the final round of judging. His most notable shots are of Nudibranches but also presented some incredible wide angle shots and super-macro shots of marine life.
Alejandro Topete |  | + 2018 World Champion - Alejandro Topete +Alejandro has been posting on the site since 2012. During that time he has posted 1085 beautiful entries for which he has received 29199 votes! Among his favorite subjects are sea lions, sharks, dolphins and mantas, but his gallery is diverse and includes stunning images of tiny critters such as blennies, sea horses and nudibranchs. He is truly a diversified photographer who excels in every type of photography he does. A well deserved World Champion for 2018!
Mehmet Salih Bilal |  | Grand Master - Mehmet Salih BilalMehmet is a true macro artist! His passion for the little alien-like critters in the ocean stands out in his magical photos, captivating the viewers and pulling them into a different world. He loves to experiment with various creative techniques, producing unique images which make up his personal style. Since he joined the site, he has posted 722 stunning entries and received 11402 votes in total. Mehmet's photos are a huge inspiration and we are honored to have him on the website.
Filip Staes |  | + 2017 World Champion - Filip Staes +Filip joined only in March 2017, but has been taking photos underwater for over 20 years. In a short amount of time, Filip entered over 400 breathtaking photos to the contest, shining bright in nearly every category throughout the contest and demonstrating mastery in numerous photography techniques. Within less than a year, his entries received almost 8000 votes in total. Filip was voted unanimously as this year's World Champion and we couldn't agree more!
Susannah H. Snowden-Smith |  | Grand Master - Susannah H. Snowden-SmithSusannah is a prominent member of our community, consistently submitting beautiful photos from her home base at the Cayman Islands. With over 250 entries across multiple categories, Susannah never ceases to amaze, capturing the beauty of the ocean with strong compositions and striking clarity. Her variety of shots ranging from macro to wide angle is what makes her a perfect choice for this year's Grand Master.
Tony Cherbas |  | + 2016 World Champion - Tony Cherbas +Tony has been a longtime member on He has won numerous medals and awards over the years, demonstrating incredible talent with a wide variety of professional photos in all categories. With over 611 entries, 13,187 total votes for his photos and 18 medals won since he joined the contest, Tony is a clear choice for this year's World Champion!
Steven Miller |  | 2016 Grand Master - Steven MillerSteve's unique style is easy to spot among the thousands of entries in the contest. With great attention to detail, Steve is constantly evolving, trying out new techniques and experimenting with various subjects and lenses. We have had the pleasure of enjoying 374 of his entries to the contest since 2012, with wonderful imagery from all around the world. Thanks for the inspiration Steve!
Tanya Houppermans |  | 2016 Grand Master - Tanya HouppermansTanya is the most recent rising star on She did what we all want to do - left the corporate world and dove all-in, to become a professional underwater photographer. Since joining the contest in 2014, she has already submitted 157 amazing entries in all categories, but her Shark and Wreck shots are the ones which truly stand out and define her style. Tanya has an excellent eye for composition and a talent for capturing the true nature of her subjects with superb sharpness and detail. We can't wait to see more of her work!
Terry Steeley |  | + 2015 World Champion - Terry Steeley +Congratulations to Terry! Terry has been a rising star in this year's competition with 165 Entries out of which 37 have been shortlisted and 7 are awarded in this annual competition. Terry's images stood out in multiple categories from Wide Angle to Macro and even fashion shots. His portfolio is diverse and impressive and we are proud to be presenting his images.
Raoul Caprez |  | 2015 Grand Master - Raoul CaprezRaoul is a long time member (since 2008) and has uploaded over 1099 images to the competition since. He has won multiple medals in the past and has contributed heaps to the site over the years. This year Raoul entered 125 images out of which 20 have been shortlisted. Raoul has demonstrated great technique and creativity in multiple categories and we are happy to congratulate him on this well deserved title.
Mathieu Foulquié |  | Grand Master - Mathieu FoulquiéMathieu is a long time member and uploaded over 170 images in 2014 out of which 41 were shortlisted. That's almost 25%! Mathieu was a leader in many categories: over/under, topside, close ups, macro, sharks and more.. each of his winning shots is very different from the other and all in the highest technical standards and creative composition. Notable series this year were the toad shots, crocodiles and sharks. He is also famous for his selfies with Crabs and Gilbert the Toad. Well done Mathieu, keep them coming!
Oscar Miralpeix |  | Grand Master - Oscar MiralpeixOscar joined only towards the end of 2012 and still managed to upload over 300 images since, almost an image every day. 51 of these images became hotshots and mostly dominated the macro and super macro categories. Oscar's photos usually present strong vivid colors, sharp eyes that stand out and very accurate lighting and depth of field. Thanks, Oscar, for competing and sharing your portfolio with us, we look forward to see you excel and maybe make champion in 2015.
Marco Gargiulo |  | 2014 World Champion - Marco GargiuloCongratulations Marco! Marco clearly dominated the competition uploading more than 684 shots to date since registering in 2012. 98 of these images became hotshots which is a clear evidence of the level of photos Marco has demonstrated. Marco was nominated by many for Champion and was chosen due to the incredible diversity of his portfolio, excelling in both macro, super macro shots and wide angle shots. Marco's portfolio also includes a huge variety of photo subjects and unique marine life. Mostly noted are his Seahorse images and Alicia mirabilis which he claims to be his favorite subject.
Ellen Cuylaerts |  | 2013 World Champion Ellen CuylaertsEllen was almost unanimously voted for the world champion of 2013. While presenting winning images in almost every category of our competition, it is clear that Ellen especially stands out in the field of wide angle behavior shots. This award is very well deserved after a year in which Ellen consistently submitted breathtaking images to almost every category of the contest and took an active part in our community. Ellen has reached the top league of underwater photographers in only 3 years of diving and I am proud to have so much of her work displayed on our site. Congratulations Ellen and Well Done! Tal Mor - Editor of
Iyad Suleyman |  | Grand Master - Iyad SuleymanIyad is clearly one of the stars in the 2013 competition. Submitting 566 Entries our of which 204 of them were shortlisted by our judges. Iyad is the master of Blenny shots submitting a huge variety of such shots all presenting a top skill for producing superb super macro shots. Iyad's shots clearly stand our in many of our categories from super macro to to wide angle. He is a very active member of the community and devotes his time to comment on shots and help other members. Well done, Iyad and congratulations.
Isabella Maffei |  | Grand Master - Isabella MaffeiIsabella is a true artist. Every one of her photos conveys a message and proves that composition and talent is what creates a great shot. Isabella stood out this year with rarely seen over and under shots and incredible super macro shots especially the "Canadian Flag" spanish dancer gills which was the top voted photo of the year. We are proud to show your photos on our site. Well done and congratulations.
Christian Vizl |  | 2012/13 World Champion Christian VizlThis year's World Champion and breakout star is without doubt Mexican u/w photographer Christian Vizl. He only joined us in March 2012 but has demonstrated consistently high quality over such a relatively short period of time. He is the only u/w photographer in our history to take Gold, Silver and Bronze in one year. He did this with three very different model shots that he entered in the Freshwater category. This is a good tactical move because it is a category that is under subscribed so give you better odds of being placed. These shots were so good they would have got medals in the Divers or Wide Angle categories. For good measure he also won a gold medal in the sharks category and a bronze in the Wide angle category. He has demonstrated such a wide range of skills and mastery of a broad spectrum of subjects he stood out head and shoulders. Christian describes himself as a photographer and artist, which is confirmed by his strong graphic sense exhibited in his entries.
Nick Blake |  | Grand Master - Nick BlakeUK photographer Nick Blake becomes a Grand Master by building on his success in previous year with five placings this year including a Gold in temperate waters category and a silver in the Wide Angle Close Focus. The latter was a tropical waters shot but we know Nick best for his temperate waters work shot whilst diving around the UK. His usual environment is therefore a difficult one to work in, yet he always delivers the goods.
Rico Besserdich |  | 2011/12 World champion - Rico BesserdichRico Besserdich is this year’s breakout star! A member since June 05, 2010 he has 478 entries in the contest. I make that (more than) one upload per day! His average vote is 26 and, when spread over so many images, requires incredible consistency for such a high score in that time frame. He’s from Germany but names his adopted country Turkey on his member record. This is where he lives and, until recently, where he was a diving instructor - diving, and shooting, every day. If you think this gives him an unfair advantage remember - Rico doesn’t have the best u/w photo subjects in his Mediterranean waters – yet he knows how to turn the slightest opportunity into a stunning u/w photo. He’s one of our community MVP’s and was instrumental in starting our photo critique service. A photographer since 1978 and underwater photographer since 2001, he uses a Canon D-SLR in a Ikelite housing with Sea & Sea strobes. If you want to learn Rico’s Tricks and secrets he will be bringing his knowledge and experience to running resort courses in Turkey and Egypt this year. Check out website for more details. One of our previous world champions sums up Rico’s talents... With no hesitation, Rico (Besserdich) HAS to be our World Champion this year (2011/12) Wide Angle, Macro - super Macro, Outside, Half-Half, Modeling, B&W...etc... have no secret for him... Almost every week, Rico came up with amazing and surprising pictures... He control's to not far from perfection all the techniques of photography... and that is the mark of a great and versatile (polyvalent) photographer... He also has done a lot with the "critic" initiative.... Great job... and so useful for the new comers on High praise indeed! Rico’s ambition is to become a professional underwater photographer in 2012 and we wish him luck. If anyone can, he can! |
Doug Anderson |  | Grand Master - Doug AndersonDoug Anderson is one of the World’s most respected underwater photographers. He does shoot the occasional wide angle but mostly specialises in macro photography. The old saying ‘form is temporary but class is permanent’ applies to Doug. He has 360 entries and an average vote of 30! That takes quality! His shots are simple, yet classic. They are usually characterised by a single subject that fills the frame so pleasingly, with attention to detail, saturated colour, and a well thought out negative space background. Doug’s nudibranch shots are delicious, as is his eye for behaviour. Even his captions say ‘less is more’ - usually a species ID (always accurate!) and the place taken. The pictures do the talking! If you want to learn macro underwater photography just look over his work, and learn. We are particularly pleased that he is one of the photo critique team, always willing to help newbies with a succinct observation. Doug is an Aussie, living in Sydney where he dives his native waters (especially the Tasman Sea) extensively. He also dives Indonesia (Andaman Sea, Bali Sea) the Banda Sea (East Timor) Andaman Sea (Indian Ocean). An ardent ecologist he is the Biodiversity Officer at Leichhardt Council He Studied Philosophy, Applied Ecology at University of Sydney, University of New South Wales
Henry Jager |  | Grand Master - Henry JagerHenry Jager is from Switzerland and has been a member since 2007 when he upgraded to D-SLR and started taking underwater photography seriously. Henry is a valued member of our photo critique team with always a kind word of encouragement and a concise solution to our newbies. He has been in the medals from the start with two runner ups, a Bronze, and now Gold. His over/under of a reef at sunset was technically brilliant and universally acclaimed. It took the monthly winner earlier in the year and a Gold in these annual awards. He does most of his diving in the Phillipines/Indonesia. He shoots with an Olympus E-5 in a BS Kinetics housing with two Inon Z 240 strobes.
Michael Gallagher |  | Grand Master - Michael GallagherMichael Gallagher is our second Aussie Grand Master of the year. He has been a member since 2009, has entered 268 images in 14 categories, which has gained him a runner up placing and a medal for the past three years. His versatility stretches from super-macro shots of Pygmy seahorses through to large pelagics - with wrecks and everything else in between! Whatever he shoots fills the frame nicely, and shows his empathy for the oceans. Michael really gets about. He has dived his native Australia, Costa Rica, Djibouti, Ecuador, Egypt, Indonesia, Maldives, Papua New Guinea, Seychelles, Sudan, and the United Kingdom! He uses a Canon 50D in Hugyfot housing with dual Inon Z240s.
Patrick Neumann |  | Grand Master - Patrick NeumannPatrick Neumann is from Germany and a member since 2006. He has been diving since the age of seven! Most of his work is done in Asia, especially the Andaman sea and South China sea. Patrick shoots the full range of categories with an emphasis on macro. He shoots anything; from nudibranchia to models with much creative flair and the occasional experimental lighting. He has 3 runner up places, Bronze, Silver and Gold medals from 312 entries over the five years he has been competing. He shoots on a Canon 7D in a Hugyfot housing.
Steven Anderson |  | Grand Master - Steven AndersonSteven ‘Creech’ Anderson is a freelance photographer from the United States, where he lives in Brentwood, TN. He’s been a member for five years (and diving many more). In those five years Steven has entered 917 images in a wide range of categories well balanced between wide angle and macro. But, over a third of those entries are in the sharks category! Yes, Steven is the Shark Guy! He believes Shark conservation is very important in order to maintain a proper balance in our oceans and uses his images to promote it. Over the years he has treated us to a fantastic portfolio of tiger shark shots from Tiger beach in the Bahamas, where he dives with our sponsors, Stuart Cove’s. He gets up close and personal with his subjects, capturing the magnificence of these creatures. This work has earned him a runner up, Bronze, and two gold medals. He dives the Caribbean and coastal United States and is also a member of our photo critique team
Brian Mayes |  | World Champion - Brian MayesBrian collects this award with almost unanimous acclaim by the judges. If he was not a judges first choice - he was the second. Brian is a long time (since 2005) popular member of the community here at He has won medals for three years running and was a strong contender (though he does not know it) for champion last year. Brian is a Brit and fortunate enough to get multiple trips per year to some of the World's greatest u/w photo destinations including the Arabian Sea, the Atlantic, Bali Sea, Caribbean Sea, Celebes Sea, Coral Sea, Flores Sea, Great Australian Bight, Indian Ocean, Irish Sea, Molucca Sea, Philippine Sea and the South China Sea. Phew, what a list! He started U/W photography in 1994 with a Nikonos V as a means to identify what he had seen U/W. His first digital camera was a Nikon Coolpix 990 in an Ikelite housing and Video Lite. He is currently using a compact Canon G9 with Canon housing and, amazingly, only the internal flash! He refuses to upgrade to a housed DSLR thus proving that it is the photographer, not the kit, that counts. Brian is our first champ to shoot, pretty much exclusively, only macro. He has entered some wide angle but it would be true to say that, by specializing in small subjects, he has taken the art of shooting small subjects to a new level. That is an achievement not seen since the lenses enabling super macro became available. You can tell from his sympathetic treatment of his subject matter just how much he loves the marine environment. Brian hasn’t entered many shots this year but boy have they been World Class! Many subjects he has shot have been unique, and some even new species! He has an average vote of 27 for his entries and is in the #1 spot for all-time monthly hotshot winners. All in all Brian makes a deserving World champion for this year.
Aleksandr Marinicev |  | Grand Master - Aleksandr MarinicevAleksandr is our first Grand Master from Latvia and has been a member since February 2008. He shoots on a Canon 1Ds MarkII in a Subal housing and has been an u/w photographer for 6 years. His favorite photo dive site is Wolf Island and he has dived Bali Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Caribbean Sea, Coral Sea, Indian Ocean, Java Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Norwegian Sea, Philippine Sea, Red Sea, Solomon Sea, Sulu and Sulawesi Seas. Aleksandr is another photographer who is very strong on macro with some very considered portraits of small marine creatures. He also has some very strong wide angle work including some spectacular wreck shots. Aleksandr is a Contest Monthly Winner, previous annual contest Medal Winner and Monthly Hotshot. He has an average vote of 25 for his entries and is in the #3 spot for all-time monthly hotshot winners.
Dray Van Beeck |  | 2009/10 World champion - Dray Van BeeckDray has been a member since 2005 and in that time has entered over 200 underwater images of extremely consistent quality. This is reflected in an average score of 29 votes per image! Dray's images incorporate a wide range of subject matter from macro to wide angle. He dives mostly in Egypt though has shots from Indonesia, Mazambique and South Africa under his belt. This year we have seen a great improvement across the board from Dray. His Photoshop work has come on in leaps and bounds and even challenges that of previous Grand Master, Manfred Bail.
Jim Garland |  | Grand Master - Jim GarlandJim is another longstanding member (joined 2004) and comes from Ireland, where he is a science teacher. We won't hold that against him! With Jim's qualifications in Zoology you might expect him to shoot natural history subjects yet he has dominated the Gold Medal spot of our wreck category since he joined. He has a great wreck site I recommend you visit website Jim has entertained us with wreck shots from Croatia, Egypt, France, Ireland, Italy, Micronesia (Truk) and the UK. |
Jim Chambers |  | Grand Master - Jim ChambersJim hails from Atlanta, Georgia in the US and has been a member since 2004. A very popular member with over 1,000 forum posts. Jim has always been there with advice and encouragement for newbies. He has specialised in macro, an area where you do not get an average vote of 21 unless you are really good. Jim has had back problems in 2009 and is hanging up his reg. I'm sure he will be about for some time with his practical jokes - at least we all hope so!
Dejan Sarman |  | Grand Master - Dejan SarmanDejan Sarman is sadly no longer with us. He died in 2009 whilst doing the thing he loved most, underwater photography. Dejan was a photo contest monthly winner, medal winner (annual contest), monthly hotshot, runner up in the annual contest, and a trusted member (site moderator). His average vote in the contest was an astounding 42 Dejan had dived the Adriatic Sea, Andaman Sea, Bali Sea, Red Sea, South China Sea, and Sulu and Sulawesi Seas and entered a broad spectrum of subjects including some of the most memorable images from the past few years. His Gold Medal winner of Apnea divers racing in a pool was admired by all. I have no doubt, with his talent, that he would have gone on to achieve Grand Master so it is fitting that we accord him the title posthumously.
Michel Lonfat |  | 2008/9 World Champion - Michel LonfatMichel only joined the contest at the end of March 2008 but managed 179 entries to the photo contest in that time! The quantity is never as important as the quality, which has been of the highest standard in Michel's case. It is the mark of a great photographer that they don't just enter strong images - they never enter weak ones. In this respect his consistency alone made him stand out head and shoulders above the crowd. One judge said "This year world champ has to be Michel Lonfat. His entries are to a high standard, the split level's are superb. I know he has only been in the comp for a short while but he seems always to come up with the goods.. " The range of Michel's work is impressive, both cold and warm water, and all categories. Much of Michel's diving is done in his native Switzerland in the gin-clear, but cold, Verzasca River near Tessin. His warm water material is every bit as noteworthy. He has dived the Caribbean, Celebes sea, the Indian Ocean, Mediterranean, and Red Sea. He has entered something in ALL our categories with numerous 'hotshot' placings in our monthly contests.
Geoff Spiby |  | Grand Master - Geoff SpibyGeoff Spiby joined us in June 2007 and made an immediate impact with his atmospheric Kelp forest shots from his native South African coast. With an extremely high average vote in each of our categories he is a definite all-rounder. This is reflected by the number of hotshots he has, along with a Gold Medal for his shot of a Great White Shark in 2007. As well as the Atlantic Geoff has dived in the Celebes Sea, Halmahera Sea, Indian Ocean, Molucca Sea, Red Sea, South China Sea, Sulu and Sulawesi Seas.
Mark Thomas |  | 2008 World Champion - Mark ThomasMark Thomas is recognised as having entered the most consistent portfolio of entries over the year. It is easy to work on colorful coral reefs when you’re nice and warm and have plenty of bottom-time. Mark dives all year round in UK temperatures and still produces ‘the goods’. Mark operates in conditions that test the underwater photographer to the extreme. Most of his shots were taken in one place, Capernwray Quarry. Yes, freshwater! Few subjects present themselves so Mark needs to be inventive to create underwater images. You cannot talk about Mark without his ‘other half’ – Derek Haslam. They are inseparable like fish and chips, or Sonny and Cher (No, I don’t know which is Cher!). Indeed they dive together and pose for each other’s shots. Both are lively and popular contributors to our forums. Both were named as clear-cut favorites for the top awards by their peers.
Derek Haslam |  | Grand Master - Derek HaslamSince there was very little between Mark and Derek in terms of u/w photo technical ability it is a good job we have a new award this year to cope with the dilemma of Mark and Derek. We have a new award for underwater photographers who have stood the test of time with a consistent entry over a long period of time. Derek Haslam becomes our first Grand Master. Derek is definitely the joker with many a shot that has given us all a smile.
Manfred Bail |  | Grand Master - Manfred BailQuite simply Manfred has no peers when it comes to manipulated images. He is the king of u/w Photoshop and an inspiration for many others who have followed him. He’s a multi-medal winner, having produced some stunning composite images over the years. It’s not always clear what the message is (if any) but eye-catching they certainly are! And BTW, he has entered some very accomplished ‘straight’ shots too! |
Johannes Felten |  | World Champion 2005 - Johannes Felten Johannes Felten has been a member since June 2004 Over the year Johannes entered the most consistent and complete portfolio of underwater images. Indeed, Johannes images so dominated the wide angle, diver, natural light, and wreck categories that the judges decided to award only one token gold medal to give others a chance! Johannes joins an elite band of underwater photographers who can call themselves a world champion. Biography Johannes was born in Cologne, Germany, on 16/12/1965 and spent five years at a boarding school in England where he started with photography as a main hobby. Since the age of sixteen Johannes has been living in Israel, doing regular military service, and completed a B.A. in English Literature at Bar Ilan University. Johannes started diving in 1997, and immediately took up underwater photography. Johannes started off with a Nikonos V, which still serves him well today. Johannes has not yet made the plunge into the digital camera realm, and still relies on a Nikon F5 in a recently acquired Seacam housing. Johannes soon realized that good underwater photography demands good diving skills and so did the Divemaster course. Recently Johannes completed the E.R. technical diving course. Johannes believes combining the equipment intensive activity of technical diving with underwater photography is still a challenge. Johannes personal preferences remain in the photography of marine life, and wrecks. Johannes welcomes any enterprise that promotes the conservation of endangered marine life as a priority goal. In this aspect Johannes finds the efforts of protecting sharks, and particularly the Great White, especially important because their reputation rests so heavily on prejudices and misconceptions. | |
Andrew Woodburn |  | World Champion 2004 - Andrew Woodburn Andrew Woodburn is a relative newcomer to underwater photography. He has been taking pictures topside since his schooldays but only moved under water in 2000. Living in South Africa Andrew has subject rich waters on his doorstep and most, but not all, of his shots capture the marine diversity of the area. He had his first success with us in 2002 with a well deserved Bronze medal for this shot. In 2003 he entered a very consistent level of image with a wide variety of subjects. It was a close call with other notable photographers fielding strong portfolios; Rick Tegler and Bob Whorton (to name but two) were all in contention. However, we are sure you will agree, Andrews dominance with three gold, one silver, and two bronze medals placed him at the head of the pack. In addition to the medal winning images, Andrew entered these highly commended shots. You can see more of his work on his website website Andrew has been published in titles such as Divestyle, Travel Africa, Food and Home and SHAPE womens magazine as well as winning international and local awards.