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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Ponta Do Ouro

Underwater Photo Location: Ponta Do Ouro

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
In Southern Mozambique whalesharks gather (especially from October through to March). The biggest tagging programme operates here and they have the most sightings worldwide. Sharks, dolphins, rays and huge bass are common. The sea is warmer here and visibility increases to 20-30m.
  • Bass City: One of the best known of Ponto’s dive sites. A series of seven rocky outcrops which are home to 4-6 large territorial potato bass, including Bert, the divers friend, as well as octopus, moray eels and large numbers of lion fish. Electric blue juvenile emperor angelfish are regularly spotted, as well as huge brown stingrays.
  • Aquarium: This is a large, hollow coral bommie surrounded by small rocky outcrops that houses delicate black corals inside the cavity. Outside it teems with colourful reef fish. It is also home to territorial white & purple leaf fish that cling onto the rocks with their pectoral fins.

Facts about Ponta Do Ouro
  • It is in Mozambique
  • Ponta Do Ouro is in the Indian Ocean.
  • The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 0-3 Metres 0-10 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

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Photo facilities

by Victor Tabernero
Halfmoon Butterflies, always together!!

by Victor Tabernero
A critter life

by Allen Walker
Close up of an Potato Bass getting an quick check up..... (Grouper - No cropping).

by Herbert Kelly
This little fella was hiding in the coral I quite like the shot and the colours...

by Herbert Kelly
I love starfish the coulours on this one was just stunning...

by Herbert Kelly
It was Christmas day afterall.... lol

by Brian Welman
Blue Spotted Ribbontail Ray Close Up

by Brian Welman
Egg Shell Shrimps in Anenome Used 105mm Nikkor Macro lens with +2 Diopter

by Andrew Kemp
I spy with my little eye : Garden eel. Took 25 minutes of leopard crawling along the sand.

by Peter Dreyer
Clown In the Mirror - "How long do you think this guy wants us Clowns to hold this pose? We aren't normally this serious!" Taken in Ponto Do Ouro , Sealife DC600 Two external strobes. 2nd of 3 shots, just the right place at the right time!

by James Oosthuizen
A very friendly Potato Bass who stuck with us throughout our dive

by Allen Walker
In a way an over under of a section of reef found at "Doodles", Ponta, Mozambique.

by Charles Wright
Jason sp

by Jenny Strömvoll
Whip Coral Goby taken with a Canon S95 in Recsea Housing with an Inon S2000 strobe and a Inon fisheye macro lens.

by Jenny Strömvoll
Inshore Indo-Pacific Bottlenose dolphins. Taken with a Canon S95.

by Jenny Strömvoll
Dolphins in the shorebreak. A few seconds later the wave broke on top of me.

by Jenny Strömvoll
Below. Bottlenose dolphins from under.

by Jenny Strömvoll

by Jenny Strömvoll
Dendrodoris denisoni

by Jenny Strömvoll
Spiny seahorse.

by Adrian Slack
nudi's got the hump, Ponta Do Ouro Mozambique

by Adrian Slack
Look in to my eye.....

by Adrian Slack
horsing around

by Jenny Strömvoll
Male HBW as he dives down with his belly a few feet away from me.

by Adrian Slack
The white way up, adult male humpback whale giving us a once in a lifetime swim

by Jenny Strömvoll
A male HBW coming up from the blue

by Adrian Slack
looking right through me

by Geo Cloete
~ Golden Circle ~

by Geo Cloete
~ Playing Ball ~

by Jenny Strömvoll
Juvenile Silvertip shark on Surface

by Kate Jonker
Whipfan Goby, Checkers Dive Site in Ponta do'Ouro Mozambique.

by Jenny Strömvoll
Hippocampus fuscus - Seahorse

by Fabrizio Torsani
A cryptic shrimp on a whip coral

by Fabrizio Torsani
An unexpected meeting with a wonderful giant

by Fabrizio Torsani
A small pipefish hiding inside a soft coral

by Fabrizio Torsani
A wonderful encounter

by Fabrizio Torsani
Black shape

by Fabrizio Torsani
A flying spanish dancer

by Fabrizio Torsani
An Acropora guardian!

by Fabrizio Torsani

by Fabrizio Torsani
Tiny squids!!

by Allen Walker
This harlequin crab has established itself inside the felt-like tube of a burrowing anemone. It gives it the protection of the anemone's stinging tentacles.

by Fabrizio Torsani
A very cryptic shrimp on a whip coral

by Fabrizio Torsani
A wonderful nudibranch

by Fabrizio Torsani
A nice clam, taken just before the closure

by Fabrizio Torsani
A nice nudibranch

by Fabrizio Torsani
A flying nudibranch

by Fabrizio Torsani
A very shy shrimp

by Fabrizio Torsani
An emperor shrimp taking a passage

by Fabrizio Torsani
A nice couple of harlequin shrimps

by Fabrizio Torsani
Eating nudibranchs

by Fabrizio Torsani
A very confident shrimp

by Fabrizio Torsani
Coming out of the darkness

by Fabrizio Torsani
Taking a passage

by Fabrizio Torsani
An eating porcelain crab

by Fabrizio Torsani
A huge hermit crab

by Kenneth Hicks
Silver Tip
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