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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Grand Cayman - North Wall

Underwater Photo Location: Grand Cayman - North Wall

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
hammerhead sharks cruise overhead, easy to nav, easy to max out depth too. LOTS to see, several great sites along this wall too many to mention.
Facts about Grand Cayman - North Wall
  • It is in Cayman islands
  • Grand Cayman - North Wall is in the Caribbean Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-50 Metres 0-160 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Mordechai Saxon
Took snorkeling on the North side, by DiveTech using Nikonos V with 1:2 exten tube. Fugi 100 iso film.

by Jim Moser
Spiney Lobster. Photo taken with SP 550UZ July 2008, Grand Cayman Island

by Carl Wrightson
White Spotted Eagle Ray down at 30m off Grand Cayman. Taken with an Olympus SP-350.

by Patrick Reardon
Peterson's shrimp, Grand Cayman

by Jason Eastman
'Feeding Polyps Close Up' Early Mornning, North Wall Grand Cayman

by David Gilchrist
My son, Andrew, hovering over large sponges, Grand Cayman Islands

by Ellen Cuylaerts
Shark Buddha While working on conservation and preservation of the wonderful marine world, we've met this young man with a heart for sharks. He dedicates his life to research and when he is among his friends, you feel the vibes!

by Ellen Cuylaerts
Dream a little dream

by Ellen Cuylaerts
Coral spawning of star coral in Grand Cayman last year. Sadly I was too sick to attend this year but it happened again yesterday! Lots of healthy corals reproducing gives a bit of hope!

by Jim Catlin
Beautiful orange sponges off the wall at Eagle ray Pass!

by Chase Darnell
Flying with a Spotted Eagle Ray!

by Chase Darnell
Hawksbill High Five

by Chase Darnell
Always cool when you get to become part of the flight pattern!

by Chase Darnell
"Serenity" A diver completes his safety stop while being engulfed by sun rays!

by Chase Darnell
"Black Beauty" North Wall, Grand Cayman!

by Chase Darnell
"Silver Sun Tan" North Wall, Grand Cayman

by Chase Darnell
Porcupine Fish Eye Grand Cayman

by Chase Darnell
A Diver out in the Blue on the North Wall, Grand Cayman

by Chase Darnell
Never stop exploring! North Wall, Grand Cayman

by Chase Darnell
"Cruising" A Spotted Eagle Ray soars by the North Wall in Grand Cayman.

by Chase Darnell
Diver observing a Hawksbill eat from the blue! North Wall, Grand Cayman

by Chase Darnell
"Beyond" Green Turtle, North Wall, Grand Cayman

by Chase Darnell
Flamingo Tongue Feeding Session Eagle Ray Pass, Grand Cayman

by Chase Darnell
"The Moment" Spotted Eagle Ray, North Wall Grand Cayman

by Chase Darnell
"Friends Fly Together"

by Chase Darnell
"Drifting with Time"

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Gazing at his reflection

by Dusty Norman
"Colorful Shrimp" This is a new find for me in Cayman. I'm thinking it is a Long-tail Grass Shrimp.

by Dusty Norman
"The Colorful Cling" A portrait of a Red Cling Fish using his blending skills on a Gorgonian.

by Chase Darnell
"Red Eye" A close up shot of a Red Cling Fish. Achieved with a 100mm and +10 Diopter.

by Chase Darnell
"Explore" Divers exploring the Kittiwake in Grand Cayman.

by Chase Darnell
"Sky Rays" Two Eagle Rays fly overhead on a crystal clear day on the North Wall.

by Dusty Norman
"Care" A Red Cling Fish protecting it's eggs.

by Chase Darnell
"Shine" You know its a calm and clear day when light rays come through a swim through at 100ft.

by Chase Darnell
"Out in the Open" Not often do I see Secretary Blenny's away from their hole. This is the second time I have seen a Blenny in this exact spot with no hole in sight. I'm thinking it must be the same guy.

by Chase Darnell
"Fin Up" A large Triple Fin Blenny sitting on a sponge with nice texture.

by Chase Darnell
"Crazy Eyes" Close up of a Blenny. Achieved with Subsea +10 and +5 stacked on a 100mm macro lens.

by Dusty Norman
"Framed" A Squat Anemone Shrimp framed by two arms of an anemone.

by Chase Darnell
"Floating" Jelly in the Mangroves.

by Henley Spiers
Face Off
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