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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
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Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
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Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
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Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
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Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
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Underwater Photo Location: Bloody Bay Wall - Little Cayman

Underwater Photo Location: Bloody Bay Wall - Little Cayman

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My wife and I have been diving on Little Cayman since 1989. We've dived throughout the Caribbean and also two trips to the Bligh Water in Fiji. I can't imagine a more dramatic wall dive anywhere, at least in the western hemisphere. Bloody Bay Wall crests in water less that 20 feet deep, then goes vertical to 2000 feet deep. It's like floating along the walls of the Grand Canyon, with deep ravines and undercuts, and marine life of all forms just teeming on the wall and on the colorful coral gardens on top. There are enough swim-throughs, arches, and other formations to keep anyone in awe. As great as the wall is for wide-angle photography, I've taken some great macro shots here too.

A site that has to be seen to believe!
Facts about Bloody Bay Wall - Little Cayman
  • It is in Cayman islands
  • Bloody Bay Wall - Little Cayman is in the Caribbean Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Neil Van Niekerk
Great Wall West - Bloody Bay - Little Cayman

by Neil Van Niekerk
Pure Joy..... Jessica - Little Cayman

by Larry Polster
Simple Pleasure, D300, 105mm, twin D125 strobes

by Larry Polster
Peterson Cleaner Shrimpl...Bloody Bay Marine Park, Little Cayman, D300, 105mm, twin D125 strobes, ISO 100, 1/125, F8

by Larry Polster
"Fish Face" ,Black Durgin, trigger family, D300, 105mm

by Larry Polster
It always happens with lens choice on DSLR, put on a macro and the big stuff arrives... with all the blue from the distance to shoot this Great Barracuda, displaying him in black & white elminates the extremem blue background to see his teeth.

by Larry Polster
Coral Banded Cleaner Shrimp floating off the wall. D300, 105mm

by Don Bricker
Nassau Grouper and Southern Stingray in an Old West style standoff. Nikon D200 in Ikelite Housing with DS125 Strobe

by Larry Polster
Spotted Drum, Little Cayman, D300 SIgma 14mm lens, twin Ikelite D125 strobes

by Larry Polster
One of several seahorses in Bloody Bay Marine Park, D300, Nikon 105mm lens, twin Ikelite D125 strobes

by Larry Polster
One of many in Little Cayman

by Jessica Vinokur
Yellow stingray. Bloody Bay, Little Cayman

by George Ordenes
Self portrait with a file fish and black coral d300 10-17mm Tokina with the 100mm Zen mini dome

by George Ordenes
Diver and whip coral on Bloody Bay Wall Little Cayman D300 10-17mm Tokina

by Nathan Cook
A part of the Bloody Bay Wall in Little Cayman. Two miniature divers bottom left give you a scale of the sheer magnitude of this.

by Nathan Cook
A sting ray off the coast of little cayman that hung out with me for a bit.

by Nathan Cook
Sting Rays mating off the coast of Little Cayman. The Grouper stayed and watched the whole thing.

by Nathan Cook
After the sunset on the beach of Little Cayman Dive resort

by Leena Roy
On the sand

by Leena Roy

by Peter Allinson
Yellow headed Jawfish with eggs photo taken off the coast of Little Cayman

by Ellen Rierson
Got to spend some time with this guy in Little Cayman - Up Close & Personal. Canon T2i/Nauticam/Tokina 10-17mm

by Ellen Rierson
Bloody Bay Wall in Grand Cayman. Shot with Canon T2i/Nauticam / Tokina 10-17mm

by Ellen Rierson
Bloody Bay Wall / Little Cayman - Canon T2i/Nauticam/Sea&Sea YS-D1 (2)/Tokina 10-17mm @ 10mm / 1/200, f/8, ISO 200

by Ellen Rierson
Hungry Turtle on Bloody Bay Wall - Canon T2i/Nauticam/Tokina 10-17mmm

by Ellen Rierson
Taken in Little Cayman - Canon T2i/Nauticam/Canon 100mm macro lens

by Ellen Rierson
Sponge spawning on Bloody Bay Wall - Canon T2i / Nauticam / Tokina 10-17mm

by Marteyne Van Well
Wassup ....

by Chase Darnell
Bloody Bay Wall at its best!

by Chase Darnell
Jaw Fish digging session! Little Cayman

by Chase Darnell
"Dive Bomb" Bloody Bay Wall, Little Cayman

by Chase Darnell
A wall like no other! Little Cayman you really are a special place!

by Steven Miller
Upside down selfie

by Steven Miller
Cleaning cave

by Steven Miller
Point blank

by Chase Darnell
"Grouper Face" This one just kept getting into an awesome position to have his photo taken.

by Chase Darnell
"On the Move" A Sea Goddess in Little Cayman.

by Chase Darnell
"On the Edge" Ornate Elysia Little Cayman!

by Chase Darnell
"Eye to eye" +15 diopter shot of a Peterson Cleaning Shrimp!

by Chase Darnell
"High Wire" A Wire Coral Shrimp walks the tight rope.

by Chase Darnell
"Mix N Match" A Flamingo Tongue and Fingerprint Cyphoma cross paths in Little Cayman

by Chase Darnell
"We've got Company" Composite of two different Gaudy Clown Crab Poses!

by Chase Darnell
"The Hook" Close up of the spine section of a Grouper in Little Cayman.

by Chase Darnell
"Blending" A Slender File Fish blends nicely with it's chosen background.

by Chase Darnell
"Party for Three" Two Fingerprints and a Flamingo Tongue sharing a soft coral.

by Chase Darnell
"Skin and Bones" A Skeleton Shrimp perched on its hydroid.

by Chase Darnell
"Curly" An Arrow Blenny on a very vibrant back drop.

by Robin Bateman
Flying Grunts - finning through the swim-thru I looked up and it seemed like these guys were actually flying

by Robin Bateman
Sponge Dancer - this guy was dancing on the sponge trying to attract attention to himself

by Chase Darnell
"Golden Eye" Finding a Slender Filefish in the blue water screamed one thing. Black Background!

by Chase Darnell
"Dusk Dive Behavior" I witnessed this Bearded Fireworm preparing to feed on the small Tritonia just before the sunset.

by Chase Darnell
"Suspended" A Slender Filefish swims around a branch of Wire Coral.

by Emma Camp
A close-up shot of a button jellyfish (Porpita porpita) taken in the Cayman Islands. The button jellyfish is actually a colony of hydroids. I got the white background by placing a white plate under the jellyfish whilst snorkeling.

by Emma Camp
Christmas Tree Worm

by Chase Darnell
"Lunch Break" A Bearded Fireworm feeds on a Tritonia.

by Chase Darnell
"The Ballroom" Sitting in this cutout in the iron shore with the waves crashing and light dancing was so awesome.

by Dusty Norman
"Glow Party" A backlit Seahorse in Little Cayman. Shot using constant light.

by Chase Darnell
"Spring Cleaning" This Yellow-head Jawfish let me watch him dig out his whole for about 20 minutes.

by Chase Darnell
"Sunny Eye's" A close-up of a Seahorse.

by Dusty Norman
"Smile" A Sailfin Blenny showing its teeth.

by Dusty Norman
"Purple Nest" Two Tritonia on a Purple Sea Fan.

by Dusty Norman
"Fingerprints" Fingerprint Cyphoma are generally a rare find. I was very excited to find two together.

by Dusty Norman
"Eye See You" An Octopus takes cover within the reef.

by Chase Darnell
Face to Face When you are the biggest creature cruising around at any given moment you have the right of way. This large Loggerhead Turtle just kept his chosen path and it was up to me to snap this shot and roll out of the way.

by Chase Darnell
Colorful Ceilings Inside the cut out in the iron shore known by local dive guides as the Ballroom.

by Sean Dimoff
Close up shot of soft coral munching on the passing plankton. When observed from a distance these colonies look like stalks in the water, but when you get nice and close you can see the beautiful hidden organization.

by John Loving
Sea horse in Little cayman

by Susannah H. Snowden-Smith
"Delicate Seahorse" - A white seahorse free-swims between gorgonians. Photographed on the steep Bloody Bay Wall on Little Cayman.

by John Loving

by John Loving
Little guy in Little Cayman

by John Loving
Saw two males with eggs on this day.

by John Loving
Mr Stoic

by John Loving
Juvenile file fish in Little Cayman

by John Loving
shrimp with eggs in Little Cayman
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