underwater Photo Course :: (11) Digital Imaging :: Image Files
Image File Types
U/W Photo Course
Learn u/w photography the easy way!
Images are stored on computers as files in one of many different graphics
File Types and formats.
The number of different formats is a legacy from software vendors each
developing their own products independently. Rather like the situation between
consumer videotape formats of Beta and VHS - only there are more variations and
no clear-cut winner!
It helps, to understand graphic file types if you know there are two basic
 | © Mauro Serafini Silver Medal | BitmapBitmap images consist of small squares (known as pixels) to represent images. Bitmap images are the most common electronic medium for photographic images.
and VectorVector graphics consist of lines and curves that are described to programs according to their geometric characteristics. When you edit vector graphics you edit these geometric characteristics. You can move resize or change the lines and curves without losing quality. Formats. All the file types we use for
digital imaging are bitmaps.
Which One Do I Use?
Next >> Image File Resolution