underwater Photo Course :: (6) Composition :: What is Composition?
What is Composition?
U/W Photo Course
Learn u/w photography the easy way!
 Expressed simply, composition is the art of consciously arranging the
elements of your picture: lines, shapes, tones, and colors to their maximum
Composition is the one area that many aspiring
photographers are uneasy about - perhaps because it does not deal in measurable
quantities (unlike focus and exposure). Certainly, some people have no awareness
of composition whatsoever.
There's nothing mystical about the art of composition (it
is an art, not a science). There are rules, but they're made to be broken. There
is no right way or wrong way, just some ways are accepted as being better than
The only thing you can definitively say about composition
is that you can't ignore it. Regardless of how skilled you are in other
departments your shots will lack impact without some consideration of it. The
only difficult thing about composing a shot is that you must get it right at the
time of shooting. You can edit an image later to make it smaller (either digitally or when printing it) but you can't make it bigger!
You cannot avoid composition. If you take pictures, even
on the level of just liking what you see, you are making (albeit unconscious)
decisions about composition.
Composition is the difference between pictures and snaps
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