underwater Photo Course :: (3) Diving with a Camera :: Strategy :: Strategy on the dive
Strategy on the dive
U/W Photo Course
Learn u/w photography the easy way!
Never put your camera down underwater, even in perfect conditions you can
become disorientated and lose it - lets face it, one part of the seabed looks
much the same as another. If you must leave it, one of those little floating,
signaling strobe lights could be tied on to make gear left on the bottom more
conspicuous but remember, batteries fade out!
Be reminded that other divers consider anything they find
on the bottom as fair game. One eminent photographer I know had a camera stolen
underwater. He had put it down next to him whilst working with another camera
and when he came to pick it up it was no longer there! He saw a pair of fins
disappearing into the distance, 
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