underwater Photo Course :: (4) Light Underwater :: Exposure
Exposure with your underwater camera
U/W Photo Course
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A good exposure is one that most easily yields a good
print. The ratio of exposures that will achieve this is
known as exposure latitudethe extent to which a light-sensitive material can be over or underexposed and still achieve an acceptable result.
Not all scenes can be rendered. Digital cameras are more forgiving of underexposed (darker) subjects than overexposed (lighter) images, yet still are limited in the range that they will reproduce.
Slide film is highly
critical to exposure, having a narrow latitudeAbility of the film or device to record the brightness range of the subject. On the other hand, negative film
is less critical to exposure mistakes and therefore has a wider latitude. To achieve an optimum print from either slide or
negative requires an exposure within a narrow band of tolerance. To achieve this
you require not only accurate metering but also sufficient understanding of
exposure in order to interpret your readings correctly.
By now we must assume that you have a working
knowledge of the relationship between shutterThe shutter is an integral part of all cameras. It opens to allow light through. The greater the range of shutter speeds a camera has the better. speed and apertureThe variable diameter hole used to control the amount of light passing through a lens. in determining
So, in order to get a correct exposure you must... 
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