- Jewellers screwdrivers
- Tweezers
- Spare tripod bushes
- Silicon crystals
- Optic cleaning fluid
- Magnifying loupe
- Spare batteries
- Spare nuts, bolts, and plugs
- Spare o-rings
- Safety pins/rubber bands
- Port polish
- Steel wool
- Cable ties
- Pens
- Rubber eraser
- superglue
- Travel plug
- Chargers
- Pliers
- Mains screwdriver
- MultiMeter
You won't want to carry a full kit about with you
everywhere on location! A workable field kit suitable for taking on a boat may
- A towel
- A change of film
- Any special tools needed for opening a housing
- Optic cleaning cloth
- Swiss army knife
- Insulating tape
- Cotton buds
- Blower brush
- Denture brush
