Link Registration

Link Registration

Already got a link? Then you must Login

If you are a Underwater Photographer or closely related industry pro you can add your business to our links section. All you have to do is link back to us from your website (it's only fair!).

Simply fill in the details below and press Save.

stop Your return link will be verified before we can activate your link

Linking rules
Only 1 link per person/business
Your link back to us...
  • MUST be on a search engine crawlable page i.e. HTML page (not Flash)
  • The EXACT backlink URL page must be specified (we don’t have time to search)
  • The page must NOT be a framed page or a cloaked page
  • Your website MUST be Underwater Photography related
  • Your website must be owned by you. It cannot be a members site e.g.

stop If you cannot comply - do not apply!
Upload Your Logo (optional)

Make sure the file name is in English only and begins with a letter or number.

If you run into problems, try Google Chrome.


First Name:

Last Name:

Trading Name:





SPAM detection question: please answer this question so that we know you are a real person!
 Zip/Post code:


Your WebSite: the full URL of the page on YOUR website where you would like US TO LINK TO YOU

Backlink URL: the full URL of the page on YOUR website where you will LINK TO US


Password Reminder:


Your Text: to describe your website. This field is also searched so be sure to include keywords.