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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 367  of  452
Angels Cove, Talikud Island, Davao
Haunting and gloomy this photo was taken at Anilao, Batangas.
Bubble Shell on a night dive in Anilao. Canon G10, dual Inon closeup lenses, and sea and sea strobes. Shot is slightly cropped (didn't zoom in enough and had is vignette slightly!)
I'm not sure it was eating or contributing... anyway, it was a really tiny creature. Photo Capture by Canon G9 with INON single strobe and macro lens. Full frame, no cropping.
This spiny devilfish was well camouflaged until it moved. Upon closer inspection there were two of them, the other one was smaller and it had a different color. The smaller one was following the bigger one every time it moved.
A tiny Imperial Shrimp (Periclimenes imperator) hiding under the gills of nudibranch (Jorunna funebris)....¸> <((((º> ...Canon G9 & stacked Inon UCL-165 close-up lenses.
Guess have 2 go with UW photographers. Left behind by my dive mates. Buddy, buy another camera 2 replace ur lost cam so I'll have some1 to watch over me! Dis is d result of always hurrying up. Guess it'll take time to have a close up shot of the lion
Another addition to my Nemo collection...
Mimic Octopus portrait. Canon G10, 2xInon closeup lenses, Sea and Sea Strobes. Taken in Anilao
Christmas Tree Worm abstract
White Ornate Ghost Pipefish shot at Anilao, Batangas.
tail of the Chromodorididae
taking a left
Yellow Froggi taken with Canon 400D/Hugyfot
Talikud Island, Davao
Portrait study of Flambouyant Cuttlefish. Taken with D200 and 105mm lens.
"Gone Fishin'" Porcelain Crab doing what he does best = filter feeding. Full Frame :o)
Nudi Portrait. Canon G10, 2x Inon UCL165. Sea and Sea Strobes. Taken in Anilao
YIN YANG. I shot sequences of these two independently moving closely together, and shot the final picture of them snuggling in a yin yang position. Canon G10, Sea&Sea YS-25
Talikud Island, Davao
Soft Coral Crab in Anilao...lots of photographers behind me wanted a shot of this guy! Canon G10, 2x Inon UCL165, Sea and Sea YS110a and YS27DX
"I wanna be a ray" nudi. Euselenops luniceps
In a different interpretation...
"It's in the Eyes" Nikon D200, f/18 1/160 ISO 200 :o)
Moray in Anilao. Canon G10, Inon closeup lenses, Sea and Sea 110 alpha and YS27DX Strobes!
12182 Entries Found: Page 367  of  452

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