Latest Contest entries
Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Dauin Dumaguete

Underwater Photo Location: Dauin Dumaguete

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One of the best place for Macro photography in Philippines especially the old pier of Documi!
Facts about Dauin Dumaguete
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Shauming Lo
Anemone Crab

by Mona Dienhart
a lucky aNEMOne fish in its beautifully coloured anemone. Taken in Dauin, Negros.

by Yves Antoniazzo
Just for the colors and texture D200/60mm

by Yves Antoniazzo
Zoom on it there a fish on me 350D/70mm

by Oliver Ko
one of the country's liveliest macro site on a public pier - ducomi pier in dumaguete! just amazing! taken with ixus 70, no strobe.

by Larry Polster
Mom and Dad hanging out in Dumageute, D300, 105VR

by Larry Polster
Nudi at Dumageute, D300, 105VR

by Larry Polster
Dinner time, Ducomi pier, Dumageute, Philippines

by Lucas Price
Crinoid Shrimp

by Larry Polster
D300, 105VR

by Larry Polster
Chromodoris kuniei, D300, 105VR, DUmageute, Philippines

by Daniel Strub
Close up of a crocodile snake eel on the mythic "Pura Vida House Reef" in Dauin

by Daniel Strub
Commun seahorse (hippocampus taeniopterus); as often these shy creatures turn of their head from the lens!! they're funny though; i love them :-)

by Daniel Strub
Funny couple ...

by Gary Ramey
Sawblade shrimp...not sure of the official name but a nice nickname.

by Paz Maria De Vera-Santos
Painted Frogfish Profile (Ducomi Pier, Dauin, Dumaguete)

by Daniel Strub
A young bat fish - platax pinnatus? - was following us during the whole night dive on car wreck, in front of Pura Vida Resort, Dauin. It was a great dive.

by Daniel Strub
Panda Clownfish (Perca polymnus), also known as Saddleback Anemonefish. the female is breeding and protecting the eggs on the stone netx to the anemone. Taken in Dauin, Car Wreck

by Daniel Strub
Sattleback Clown fish in Dauin, car wreck - great dive, great fun :-)

by Larry Polster
Dumageute, D300, 105mm, no crop

by David Bierman
Snowflake Eel from (what remains of) the Ducomi Pier

by David Bierman
Flamboyant Cuttlefish from Dauin

by Debi Henshaw
"Open Wide" Lizard fish caught yawning :o)

by Debi Henshaw
Christmas Tree Worm abstract

by Debi Henshaw
"Have you pinched my lipstick?" :o)

by Debi Henshaw
Chromodoris fidelis coming for me.

by Debi Henshaw
"HumBug" AKA Chromodoris africana :o)

by Debi Henshaw
"My Comfy Bed" Many Host Goby atop a bubble anemone :o)

by Debi Henshaw
"Egg Cargo" Banded Pipefish carrying his cargo of precious eggs.

by Debi Henshaw
Chromodoris fidelis

by Debi Henshaw
Giant Frogfish

by Debi Henshaw
"Cotton Head" Periclimenes kororensis commensal shrimp taken in Dumaguete.

by Debi Henshaw
Triplefin and sponge

by Debi Henshaw
Painted Frogfish

by Debi Henshaw
Tube anemone close up

by Debi Henshaw
From the top!

by Yves Antoniazzo
3D nudi Canon 350D/Sigma 70mm

by Yves Antoniazzo
Mating time Canon350D/Sigma 70 mm

by Daniel Strub
Apogon Aureus hatching eggs. have a close look, you can see the eyes of the unborn ... hard to catch face to face ...

by Daniel Strub
Picture taken in Dauin. The 2 couples of harlequin shrimps live on a manmade reef and seem to be happy there ... just perfect

by Daniel Strub
Clown frogfish seen in Dauin Bangka Wreck. The froggy was about 5 cm long.

by Daniel Strub
Family ties ...

by Daniel Strub
a. pictus "psychedelicus" :-D ... found in Dauin. By comparing with the size of the sandcorns you can imagine how big the "guy" was ...

by Daniel Strub
Apogon incubating. these eggs are less developped than the ones in my prior picture.

by Daniel Strub
Juv. a. pictus - small but soooooo colorfull :-D - Thanks B-Bhing

by Daniel Strub
Clown frogfish ... Dauin

by Daniel Strub
... dangerous beauty ...

by Daniel Strub
solenostomus paradoxus ... ahhhh Dauin ! such a wunderfull place :-)

by Daniel Strub
commensal shrimp ;-D

by Daniel Strub
porceleine crab

by Jorn Ari
Morning Dive with a Yellow Nudibranch. Olympus E-420 Body , 105mm Macro lens from Sigma. Underwater Housing by Ikelite. DS 160 + DS 161 Strobe from Ikelite. More photos:

by Jorn Ari
10 mm frogfish. More photos:

by Jorn Ari
Say Ahhh. 10 mm Frogfish with open mouth. More photos:

by Daniel Strub
Devil scorpion fish ind Dauin :-D

by Daniel Wernli
Nembrotha rider in Dauin

by Jeffrey Smith
Nudibranch in Dumaguete off of Atlantis Resort

by Jörg Menge

by Jörg Menge
That was a close shave!

by Jörg Menge

by Jörg Menge

by Eric Fly
Matoti Octopus

by Jörg Menge

by Jörg Menge
CIRCLE Grosse Krustenanemone Zoanthids Protopalythoa sp2

by Eric Fly
Porcelain crab trolling for a snack

by Jörg Menge
THE BRAIN Brain Coral Faltenkoralle Symphyllia sp

by Henry Jager
"Harlekin Ghostpipefish"

by Jörg Menge
Anemonefish II Philippinen Dauin Anemonefish - Amphiprion perideraion - Halsband Anemonenfisch 1/125 Aperture 8 60mm

by Henry Jager
"Crinoid Shrimp" naturally b/w shrimp on a b/w feather star.

by Henry Jager
"Angry Fish Face"

by Henry Jager
"Bobtail Squid" Covered with sand to hide.

by Henry Jager

by Jörg Menge
MY HOME Hairy Red Hermit Crab - Dardanus lagopodes - Riff-Einsiedlerkrebs

by Marylin Batt
Popcorn Shrimp in anomone

by Andre Snoopy Montenegro
nembrotha glow

by Andre Snoopy Montenegro
Swimming Nudi-Bornella anguilla Canon t2i 100mm lens f18 1/200 iso 400

by Marylin Batt
Crinoid Shrimp a study iin Black and White.

by Marylin Batt
Emperor shrimp on sea cucumber.

by Henry Jager
Harlekin Ghostpipefish in front of a white background

by Daniel Wernli
Goby and bubbles....

by Lance Teo
Turn Blue when threatened

by Daniel Strub
Mouth-hatching jawfish :-D

by Daniel Strub
Porcelain crab :-D

by Daniel Strub
Mantis shrimp :-D

by Daniel Strub
Nembrotha Kubaryana :-D - neon nudi

by Daniel Strub
Plumed rock shrimp :-D

by Taco Cheung

by Taco Cheung
Coral Grouper

by Taco Cheung
Lion Dance

by Daniel Strub
Spine-cheek clown :-D

by Paula Booker

by Nadya Kulagina

by Nadya Kulagina
A Poser

by Nadya Kulagina
Unexpected Yawn

by Paula Booker
Beautiful carpet anenome... home to many anenomefish

by Daniel Strub
Whiplashcoral shrimp :-D

by Irwin Ang
T O P - V I E W Bangka (Boat) Sumilon Island, Cebu. Philippines 2014

by Marylin Batt
Lovely Cuttle fish .

by Wayne Jones
"Moody White Frogfish"

by Wayne Jones
Near Dauin, Philippines, one of many varieties of frogfish found there. Small white frogfish, snoot used for effect.

by Irwin Ang
S W E E T . C O U P L E Dumaguete(Cebu), Philippines. September 2014

by Irwin Ang
C H A E Model Chae Stone Dumaguete(Cebu), Philippines. September 2014

by Hon Ping
Mantis shrimp with babies @ Dauin, Negros Oriental, Phillipines.

by Hon Ping
Painted frogfish (Antennarius pictus)

by Marchione Giacomo
Long Noise shrimp Douin .Philippines. Nikon D800E, 105 macro. twin strobo sea ans sea 120Ys

by Leena Roy
Diver in cave

by Robin Bateman
True Colors I am always amazed at the brilliant colors we find in nature - and especially underwater. I had never seen a fire urchin before and spent several minutes following this little one across the sand -trying to capture all the vibrant color

by Henley Spiers
Hairy Froggie

by Henley Spiers
The Cockatoo Waspfish

by Henley Spiers
The Roughsnout

by Ponnie J
Midnight moon

by Dragos Dumitrescu
Devil Scorpionfish hiding in the dark.

by Yuping Chen
Pikachu/Nudibranch/Dauin,Dumaguete,Philippine/Canon 5D MarkIV, 100mm macro Lens,NauticamSmc

by Yuping Chen
Stay together/Goby/Dauin,Dumaguete,Philippine/Canon 5D MarkIV, 100mm macro Lens

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Urchin have light

by Andrey Savin
Power of imagination.

by Hansruedi Wuersten

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Harlekinshrimp on sponge

by Hansruedi Wuersten

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Unidentified Fish

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Eel Garden on Dauin

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Flamboyant Cuttelfish swimming

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Not easy to see this flatfish when he not mouving

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Sea pen

by Hansruedi Wuersten

by Hansruedi Wuersten
I search for the name..

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Freckled Porcupinefish have fight before

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Marine Life Dauin

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Ring-Tailed Cardinalfishes

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Harlekin Shrimp, Hymenoceras elegans

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Emperor Shrimps - Zenopontonia rex

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Candycrab on softcoral

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Marine Sponge with mini frogfish

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Swimmer Crab - Portunus pelagicus

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Long-spined Sea Urchin (Blue Spotted Sea Urchin)

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Tube Anemone

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Nudibranch - Nembrotha lineolata

by Hansruedi Wuersten

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Giant frogfish - Antennarius commerson

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Big eyes from blue pointed Stingray

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Mating nudibranchs - Nembrotha kubaryana

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Tube Anemone - Cerianthus filiformis and Squat Shrimps

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Goniobranchus reticulatus

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Halgerda batangas

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Orange-edged Sapsucking Slug - Thuridilla lineolata

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Anemone with Sarasvati Anemone shrimp - Ancylomenes sarasvatii

by Hansruedi Wuersten
Hypselodoris bullockii ?

by Kaye Richardson
This group of snails (Vermetidae or ‘worm snails’) make a tubular shell and adhere themselves to the reef. From the safety of their shell they excrete a mucus net.strobe diving from Dumaguete. Later, they reel it back in and enjoy.TG6 natural light
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