- The judges' decision is final
- You can submit as many images as you like in any (single) category but only one entry per day
- The images can be used by the
organizers royalty free to promote the competition or this website. This includes press releases to magazines who can also publish royalty free but only in the context of an article specifically about the contest and with full credit
to the photographer. Likewise, we have royalty free use throughout this website and for any publication that this website may produce. The images will not be sold on to any third party for any commercial use without the photographer's
express written permission.
- All images must be your
copyright and model release obtained (if appropriate)
- No contact details, e-mail
addresses, HTML tags, or URL links in the description text.
- Any entrant either found guilty (or suspected) of
spamming votes will have their votes
publicly marked down.
- Entries are automatically in both monthly and annual contests.
- No 'lookalikes' i.e. images so similar to your own previous entries they are indistinguishable.
- The subject must be suitable for a family site and non-controversial
- uploading an image is deemed to be acceptance of these rules.
Conservation Rules
Marine animals should never be stressed or endangered for the sake of a photo. Entries will first be screened by our moderators. Entries exhibiting the following behavior will be placed out of contest.
- Divers visibly damaging
the environment e.g. gear dragging or kicking up sand
- Animals with signs
of stress (e.g. puffed puffers, inking octopus, animals in nets, cages or hooked on a line)
- Animals moved to
an unnatural environment or risky location. It's hard for us to tell, so impossible to police this one. Just think before you next flick a nudi into mid-water for a shot - are you sure you're not hurting it?
- Animals being fed
artificial food from divers No feeding fish spray cheese or feeding boiled eggs to Humphead Wrasse etc.
- Delicate marine
life being touched (e.g. coral polyps, seahorse tails). Marine life interaction has been (and always will be) good u/w photo subject matter but only when the marine life is not endangered e.g. holding a turtle. On the other hand, touching big
critters like dolphins is usually fine - they can escape a diver easily.
- Marine Aquaria Wildlife belongs in the wild, not zoos! This includes dolphins in sea-pens.
These are the Conservation Rules of EPIC.
If any of the above is not acceptable,
do not enter