Diving here is really great! You'll love this site.
It's in slanting position so you'll never know that you're going really deep, but even though your in 100+ ft. the marine life is still very fantastic! Sometimes you'll even see sharks swimming along with the currents.
Photography here is great.
After diving here you can even go to the sombrero island and go a diver's picknick there. This is the best dive site for me!
If you'll have a chance to come here you might even change your favorite site!
Facts about Mainit point, Anilao Batangas
It is in Philippines- The typical depth is 0-50 Metres 0-160 Feet.
- The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.

Jun TagamaFather, Mother and Me, happy family of clowns

Paz Maria De Vera-SantosChromodoris Coi Gills

Patrick NeumannYellow Froggi taken with Canon 400D/Hugyfot

Patrick Neumanntaken at Mainid, Anilao, Batangas with Canon 400D/Hugyfot

Jun Laojellycious

Richard WitmerMimic Cowries on soft coral. These guys are TINY. D300, 105MM, Macro Mate. Cropped approximately 5% for composition.

Richard Witmer"Crouching Tiger" Shrimp. Night dive in Anilao. Nikon D300, Twin Inon z240s, 105mm.

Jun Laolumens

Donny ZarsadiasScorpion Fish but dunno what specie. My first time to see one with this very attractive color. Taken at Mainit Dive Site, Anilao Mabini Batangas, Philippines

Gabriel De Leon Jr"It's Not All About Critters"
Mainit Point, Anilao