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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 28  of  452
Turtle swimming under the sun
Crab looks into the lens
Portrait Coconut Octopus with Retra LSD
Snowflake Moray Echidna nebulosa (poisonous)
nemo points
Anemone hermit crab (Dardanus pedunculatus)
Drift fish hiding inside a salp
Yellow pins
Sexy Shrimp Thor amboinensis
Saw blade shrimp
Nudibranches meeting 4Nembrotha kubaryana, also known as the variable neon slug or the dusky nembrotha.Nightdive Housereef Cebu Fun Divers
Porcelain crab on a sea pen.
Banded Pipefish Corythoichthys intestinalis
Squid photo from a bonfire dive in Anilao.
2nd place Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!
Final RoundThrough to 2022 awards final round judging
Olympus EM1X
Decorated Eye. This is a close up shot an eye of a scorpionfish I found laying still. I was shooting the fish and carefully tried to get as close as I can to get the eye in focus.
Anilao, blackwater dive.
Runner Up Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!
Batfish (Myliobatis californicus)
Dark Knight
Divers entry the cathedral Pescador.The Cathedral entrance starts at 28m entering
Hypselodoris tryoni
12182 Entries Found: Page 28  of  452

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