Latest Contest entries
Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Puerto Galera

Underwater Photo Location: Puerto Galera

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
The bay right in front of Puerto Galera has some great critters to observe. Frog Fish, Sea Horses, many types of Pipe Fish. Also a great place to see Mandarin fish at dusk. Visibility usually good except when heavy traffic occurs from boats in the bay. Sometimes gets crowded so be careful when surfacing.
Facts about Puerto Galera
  • It is in Philippines
  • Puerto Galera is in the Philippine Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-10 Metres 0-30 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Craig Montgomery
Giant Frog Fish in the bay at Puerto Galera.

by Alberto D'este
Two nudibranchia a search of the first to eat... Nikon D70S, 60mm, DS125

by Alberto D'este
Catfish in night dive, Porto Galera

by Jeannette Howard
Seahorse face :) Sabang, Phillipines Nikon D70 105 lens

by Alberto D'este
Night dive in Porto Galera - Philippines - Nikon D70S, 60mm.

by Chris Carroll
A pair of risbecia tryoni taken off Puerto Galera with Canon Powershot G9 with Inon UCL-165 M67 diopter

by Chris Carroll
Nembrotha kubaryana taken off Puerto Galera with Canon Powershot G9 with Inon UCL-165 M67 diopter

by Chris Carroll
A pair of hypselodoris apolegma being harassed by an orangutang crab. Taken with Canon Powershot G9 with Inon UCL-165 M67 diopter

by Randel Van Heerden
Our club, Manila Aqua Divers or MAD went on a dive weeekend to Puerto Galera on Mondoro island in the Philippines. We where about 12 members. We departed Friday morning 6am from Manila and its about a 2.5h drive to the fairy in Batangas.

by Jun Lao
Giant Anglerfish

by Jun Lao
Frogfish does Samson

by Chad Engle
Sea urchin... looked like it was filled with lava!

by Marco Casu
Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro Philippines. Canon 450 Nimar housing and light

by John Paul Chua
Puerto Galera, Philippines

by Joe Hoyle
purple nudibranch close up

by Michael Johnson
Dive Buddy checking out the Nudi.....

by Adam Hannon
Cute Little Pygmy Sea Horse.

by Afflitti Gianluca
blue ring

by Afflitti Gianluca
small and friendly

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
two pygmy

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
three brothers........

by Joshua Tappert
Hungry Nudi.

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by John Paul Avila
Nice nudibranch in Puerto Galera

by Nazir Amin
Image taken with g11

by John Paul Avila
Mantis shrimp from Puerto Galera

by Afflitti Gianluca
three amigos.......

by Afflitti Gianluca
father end son

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
sailing trim

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
little coral fish

by Afflitti Gianluca
the colours of blak end withe...........

by Afflitti Gianluca
front door........

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
leaf fish

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
Rino moray

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
fred and ginger.........

by Afflitti Gianluca
periclemenes sp.

by Afflitti Gianluca
hippocampus hystrix

by Afflitti Gianluca
ostracion cubicus

by Afflitti Gianluca
periclemenes sp.

by Afflitti Gianluca
neopetrolisthes maculatus

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
familyes of nudibranchias

by Afflitti Gianluca
periclimenes colemani

by Afflitti Gianluca
Love and Hate.....

by Afflitti Gianluca
nembrotha cristata

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
eyes of pegasus

by Afflitti Gianluca
periclimenes amboinensis

by Afflitti Gianluca
cosmocampus darrosanus

by Afflitti Gianluca
pteraeolidia ianthina

by Afflitti Gianluca
coryhoichthys schulzi

by Afflitti Gianluca
vir philippinensis

by Afflitti Gianluca
inimicus filamentosus

by Afflitti Gianluca
pleurosicya mossambica

by Afflitti Gianluca
chromodoris geometrica

by Afflitti Gianluca
fish from the black coral

by Afflitti Gianluca
crab gorgonian

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Laura Cook
Common lionfish spotted hovering over a reef, beautiful spread of its fins. This shot was taken using macro setting on a Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT1 camera in housing using inbuilt flash only.

by Laura Cook
Finding Nemo in the Philippines. The elusive shot of clownfish in anemone, I finally got one of my subjects posing for the shot. Taken with Panasonic Lumix DMC-FT1 camera in housing with in built flash only.

by Afflitti Gianluca
porcelain crab

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Bill Lamp'l
A pair of Squid swim during a night muck dive in the Philippines.

by Afflitti Gianluca
thor shrimp

by John Hill
A red and white Thorny Seahorse with soft lighting from my torch about a foot behind and to the right. Some minor adjustments to the RAW file and levels in PS.

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Marco Maccarelli
Canon 50D + 100 L

by Afflitti Gianluca
periclimenes imperator

by Fabrizio Pompilio
I find it!!!!!!!!!!!

by Diana Green
Frogfish (Juvenile). Taken at Puerto Galera, Philippines, April 2011. Frogfish was sitting on the railing of a wreck

by Diana Green
Nudibranch - love is in the air. Taken at Puerto Galera, Philippines in April 2011

by Pietro Cremone
A porcelain crab with eggs

by Afflitti Gianluca
(Oxycirrhites typus)

by Afflitti Gianluca
face of nembrotha..

by Afflitti Gianluca
little crab

by Afflitti Gianluca
scorpion fish counter

by Afflitti Gianluca
face of imperator

by Afflitti Gianluca
Metasepia pfefferi

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
night dive... little crab

by Rita Hung
The crown fish parents guarding over their new born eggs.

by Afflitti Gianluca
100 watt

by Afflitti Gianluca
jaw fish with eggs

by Afflitti Gianluca
periclimenes imperator on the ceratosoma

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
fish to rest

by Beth Watson
Sea Snake...Puerto Galera, Philippines

by Afflitti Gianluca
long nose

by Afflitti Gianluca
very hidden

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
blue crab

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
nembrotha purpureolineolata.

by Pietro Cremone
Living in a bottle - a little goby patroling his nest.

by Pietro Cremone
Nembrotha feeding

by Marcello Di Francesco
help! there's a monster out of the house !!!

by Pietro Cremone
Rampant Chromo

by Pietro Cremone
Bubble coral shrimp

by Pietro Cremone
Hairy crab

by Pietro Cremone
Glass shrimp

by Pietro Cremone
hairy squat lobster

by Pietro Cremone
Nembrotha's head

by Pietro Cremone
Crinoid Shrimp

by Pietro Cremone
Crinoid Shrimp

by Pietro Cremone
What do you want???

by Pietro Cremone
Winking pipefish

by Afflitti Gianluca
wide angle...macro micro semi-fisheye

by Pietro Cremone
Thorny Seahorse

by Pietro Cremone

by Afflitti Gianluca
little rino murena

by Pietro Cremone
Porcelain crab with eggs

by Pietro Cremone
Commensal shrimp in bubble coral with parasites

by Pietro Cremone
Bubble coral shrimp

by Pietro Cremone

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
pereclimenes imperator

by Afflitti Gianluca
long nose

by Afflitti Gianluca
robustus white

by Afflitti Gianluca
crinoid crab

by Afflitti Gianluca
yellow pigmy sea horse

by Ghost Chen
Canon G12 + sea&sea 110a

by Pietro Cremone

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Pietro Cremone
Xeno Crab

by Pietro Cremone

by Afflitti Gianluca
pigmy horse

by Rita Hung
A photo of ghost shrimp taken at Puerto Galera.

by Beth Watson
Seahorse portrait

by Marc Van Den Broeck
lion fisch and buddy

by Beth Watson
Puerto Galera, Philippines

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Beth Watson
Lure to Gullet...Puerto Galera, Philippines

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
snoot 1

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Raffaele Livornese
I see you!!!

by Afflitti Gianluca
micro MICRO INSECT EYE with snoot

by Afflitti Gianluca
snoot...eyes ghost

by Afflitti Gianluca
little.... white

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
snoot 5

by Afflitti Gianluca
nudibranchia....... snoot

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
sea horse

by Afflitti Gianluca
shrimp symbiont

by Afflitti Gianluca
pikachu face

by Beth Watson
Emperor Shrimp...Puerto Galera, Philippines

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Raffaele Livornese
Cardinalfish portrait

by Raffaele Livornese

by Sue Goodman
Normally these guys are too fast to get good face-on shots, but this fellow was curious, so I stayed still, waited, and was able to get this photo of him peeking out at me.

by Pietro Cremone
Commensal shrimp on a sea star

by Pietro Cremone
Mandarin fish threesome

by Pietro Cremone
That way,please!

by Afflitti Gianluca
apagon whit eggs

by Afflitti Gianluca
mantis shrimp whit eggs

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Alex Suh
Taken while I was wreck diving in the Philippines. The sea turtle came flying past me and I only had time to get one shot off and fortunately timing and positioning was right where its fins were completely spread out as if coming in for a landing.

by Abdulla Almehairi

by Raffaele Livornese
Pigmy seahorse portrait

by Raffaele Livornese
Harlequin shrimp

by Irwin Ang
A L I V E Coral reef & Diver Puerto Galera, Philippines. October 2014

by Irwin Ang
Model of the day Diver Puerto Galera, Philippines. October 2014

by Irwin Ang
W R E C K Puerto Galera, Philippines. October 2014

by Raoul Caprez
Big brother

by Raoul Caprez
Yellow friend

by Raoul Caprez
Many kisses

by Raoul Caprez
A frame in the frame

by Raoul Caprez
Crab's transportation

by Raoul Caprez
Nudi gills bunch (Nikkor 105mm + 10 diopter)

by Raoul Caprez
Chromodorididae family (Ceratosoma)

by Raoul Caprez
Tiny swimmer

by Raoul Caprez
Red arrow

by Raoul Caprez
Flat worm portrait

by Raoul Caprez
Green moon

by Raoul Caprez
Ready for the race : 3, 2, 1 ....

by Raoul Caprez
Flamboyant face to face

by Raoul Caprez
Face to face

by Raoul Caprez
The sentinel

by Raoul Caprez
Out of nowhere

by Raoul Caprez
Face to face

by Raoul Caprez
Tiny colourful encounter

by Raffaele Livornese
Solenostomus paradoxus

by Raoul Caprez
Colorful encounter

by Raoul Caprez
Tiny curious

by Raoul Caprez
Face to face

by Abdulla Almehairi

by Raoul Caprez
On its way

by Rudy Janssen
Hmmmm Diner !!

by Rudy Janssen
Diver with Clownfish

by Pietro Cremone
FLAMES - a different way to light a common nudibranch

by Robin Bateman
Orange Crush These little soft coral crabs are so good at disguise! I was excited to find one posing on the top of the coral - as if he wanted to be sure to get the cover shot of my next calendar! Oly EM1 12-50mm at 43 Macro +5 diopter 2 strobes

by Pietro Cremone
Snooted wonderpus

by Pietro Cremone
Goby on bubble coral

by Pietro Cremone
harlequin crab snooted

by Pietro Cremone
Polyp coral

by Pietro Cremone
Little crab with eggs

by Cristian Umili
Skeleton shrimpo on pennatula

by Filip Staes
Black and white jorunna (Jorunna funebris)

by Filip Staes
A diver explores the remains of a large steel and plywood construction. Puerta Galera, The Philippines.

by Filip Staes
Ocellated Tozeuma (tozeuma lanceolatum)

by Filip Staes
"Pink dream".

by Filip Staes
Hippocampus bargibanti

by Filip Staes
Coral Porcelain Crab (Lissoporcellana nakasonei)

by Filip Staes
Peacock mantis shrimp, Puerto Galera, The Philippines.

by Filip Staes
Sea pen porcelain crab (Porcellanella triloba) in a Sea pen (Virgularia gustaviana), Puerto Galera, The Philippines.

by Filip Staes
Coleman shrimps, Puerto Galera, The Philippines.

by Filip Staes
"I've got my eyes on you", Puerto Galera, The Philippines.

by Filip Staes
"The rock", Puerto Galera, The Philippines.

by Filip Staes
Variable neon slug with Emperor shrimp, Puerto Galera, The Philippines.

by Filip Staes
"in the spotlight", Puerto Galera, The Philippines.

by Filip Staes
Juvenile Lionfish, Puerto Galera, The Philippines.

by Filip Staes
Sea pen porcelain crab (Porcellanella triloba) in a Sea pen (Virgularia gustaviana).

by Filip Staes
Whip coral goby with eggs, Puerto Galera, The Philippines.

by Filip Staes
Variable neon slug with emperor shrimp, Puerto Galera, The Philippines.

by Filip Staes
"The Cardinal", Puerto Galera, The Philippines.

by Lindsey Mobley
Pygmy Seahorse @ Sinandigan Wall, Puerto Galera

by Lindsey Mobley
Proud Papa!! @ Fantasea Reef, Puerto Galera

by Laurie Slawson
Ardeadoris egretta/Photographed with a Canon 100 mm macro lens at Puerto Galera, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Christmas Tree Worms/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens and SMC-1 at Puerto Galera, Philippines.

by Laurie Slawson
Yellow-Lipped Sea Krait/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Puerto Galera, Philippines.

by Laurie Slawson
Brownstripe hydroid shrimp/Photographed with a Canon 60 macro lens and SMC-1 at Puerto Galera, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Clark's Anemonefish/Photographed with a Tokina 10-17 mm fisheye lens at Puerto Galera, Philippines

by Matt Hutchinson
Whip Coral Shrimp, Camera Canon G9, Meikon Housing Hand held Big Blue torch.

by Glenn Ian Villanueva
This is a photo of a juvenile nudibranch - nembrotha kubaryana. Taken in the dusty waters of Montani dive site in Puerto Galera, Philippines.

by Glenn Ian Villanueva
This is a photo of a Moray Eel trying to play with my camera. It was quite challenging getting a good distance photographing this fella as he seems to want to be closer to the lens. Taken in Puerto Galera, Philippines.

by Penn De Los Santos
Dragon’s Head

by Penn De Los Santos
Decorated Eye. This is a close up shot an eye of a scorpionfish I found laying still. I was shooting the fish and carefully tried to get as close as I can to get the eye in focus.

by Penn De Los Santos
Stripped cardinal fish

by Penn De Los Santos
Brown Cow

by Penn De Los Santos

by Penn De Los Santos

by Gianluca Afflitti
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