Latest Contest entries
Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Anilao

Underwater Photo Location: Anilao

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I really like because the polyps are open and beautiful pigmy is taken from the front, I hope you all can appreciate, this shot from Anilao!
Facts about Anilao
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Marine Life

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Photo facilities

by Nadia Chiesi
F8 - 1/250 - Iso 100 Yellow pigmy Seah. I really like because the polyps are open and beautiful pigmy is taken from the front, I hope you all can appreciate, this shot from Anilao!

by Lance Teo
Scissors Cut

by Eduardo Nadal
clownfish d7000, 100mm, f10

by Suzan Meldonian
Porcelain Crab staring me down

by Suzan Meldonian
Warty frog fish bellowing

by Jason Lai
Circle of Life

by Suzan Meldonian
Zebra Sole putting his nose up in the air

by Suzan Meldonian
Spinning wildly

by Suzan Meldonian
Happy Anemone Mine

by Paul Ng

by Sherry Hsu
LV! LV! Saron Shrimp @ Anilao

by Marc Damant
A beautiful clear day and some willing subjects made for some close focus wide angle practice.

by Marc Damant
Burst Of Color! When on the search for a mate one must look there best!

by Marc Damant
" Resilience " we are constantly surprsied by the ability of the Ocean to deal with the human degridation of our waters. This sandal was at the bottom beside a small village and completely encrusted in coral.

by Marc Damant
Mini Jaws! These little anenome fish were nestled in their homes until you got too close for a photo then they would dart out and nip your wherever they could OUCH! Little fish BIG attitiude!

by Nadia Chiesi

by Marylin Batt
Beautiful Yellow Crinoid Shrimp, Anilao, Philippines

by Marc Damant
Adorable! This Blue Ring Octopus was just hanging out on the reef till we happened by. It was amazing how many shapes,textures and colours that they can change. This picture was one of my favorites made it look cute but no less deadly!

by Raffaele Livornese
Emperor shrimp

by Marteyne Van Well
Ever wondered what that "Red Tooth" means when speaking of Red Toothed Trigger Fish?

by Raffaele Livornese
Couple of Coleman shrimps

by Marteyne Van Well
Standing guard and daring the photographer to come closer....

by Marteyne Van Well
Portrait shot of yellow ribbon eel. Shot with 100mm lens

by Marteyne Van Well
Mantis Shrimp with eggs at Arthur's Rock, Anilao, Philippines shot with Canon EF 100mm 1:2.8L IS USM lens

by Marteyne Van Well
Nudibranch with eggs at dive site Apples in Anilao, Philippines. Shot with Canon EF 100mm 1:2.8L IS USM lens

by Marteyne Van Well
Banded pipefish taken at Arthur's Rock in Anilao

by Dianne Rubrica
macro shot taken with Sony Rx100/Recsea Housing in San Teodoro, Batangas

by Marteyne Van Well
A whip coral shrimp taken with Canon EOS 5D Mark III with Canon's EF100mm f/2.8L IS USM lens with +5 diopter

by Marylin Batt
Beautiful Harlequin Shrimp

by Dieter Kudler
The Jump

by Jun V Lao
Burn Candy Burn

by Jun V Lao
Galactic Blenny

by Jun V Lao
Froggy on Fire

by Nadya Kulagina
Love is in the air...

by Nadya Kulagina

by Nadya Kulagina
Hand in Hand

by Tracey Jennings
Hairy shrimp with eggs

by Tracey Jennings
Caring father ..

by Tracey Jennings
Rhapsody in blue ..

by Jun V Lao
The Vanishing

by Pietro Cremone
Pigmy frogfish

by Tracey Jennings
Bad hair day - decorator crab in the Philippines

by Gabriel De Leon Jr
Iridescent Squid

by Gabriel De Leon Jr
Let's go 3 Rounds" Boxer Crab

by Gabriel De Leon Jr
Saw Blade

by Taotao Yang

by James Deverich
Arrowhead crab - Huenia heraldica

by Marc Damant
A Beautiful Boxer! Taken with a 100mm macro and +5 diopter on a black back drop.

by Wayne Jones
Very Small Nudi Nembrotha yonowae

by James Deverich
Sexy Shrimp - Thor amboinensis

by James Deverich
Doto Sp.

by Wayne Jones
"Squat Shrimp Portrait" Canon 5Diii in Aquatica 250pro with snoot 1/200 f25 iso200

by Kf Leong
Kiss Me

by Marc Damant
Miamira alleni with all its beauty nothing else is needed!

by Taotao Yang
Small crab

by Wayne Jones
"Nudibranch on Hydroid" Eubranchus sp.

by Wayne Jones
Small anemone shrimp snooted for effect

by Wayne Jones
Hippocampus histrix - Spiny Seahorse 100mmL with +10 diopter

by Wayne Jones
Hippocampus bargibanti 100mmL with 12mm ext and +10 diopter

by Wayne Jones

by Wayne Jones
phycocaris simulans - Green Hairy Shrimp

by Wayne Jones
Hippocampus bargibanti

by Sean Chinn
Dressed in purple

by Yeehoo Wai
Candy Crab (Hoplophrys oatesi) Anilao, Philippines

by Joyce Chang
Pygmy Seahorse

by Wayne Jones
Phycocaris simulans - Hairy Shrimp (red)

by James Deverich
Red & hairy / Uncropped hairy shrimp

by James Deverich
Eubranchus Dreams

by James Deverich

by Wayne Jones
Caprella sp.

by Wayne Jones
Flabellina rubrolineata

by Marteyne Van Well
Just lounging around.... Two coleman shrimp on a fire urchin

by Marteyne Van Well
A bearded yellow goby

by Ponnie J
top to toe

by Taotao Yang
Expectant mother

by John Parker
Snooted Nudi

by Tony Yang
The little white raby under the tree

by Lilian Koh
F E A T H E R S Close up of a Tube worm

by Neil Wijayaratne
Nudi in the clouds

by Neil Wijayaratne
Yellow Nudi ?

by Neil Wijayaratne
Nudi in the jungle ....

by Irwin Ang
S E A - S N A I L Smaragdia viridis Anilao, Philippines. October 2014

by Louisa Lam
Edge of Iceberg

by Louisa Lam

by Tianhong Wang
The goby stand at the entrance to the maze.

by Tianhong Wang
BUCK TEETH Absolutely it is beauty of sea hare..

by Tianhong Wang

by Raffaele Livornese
Bullocki close up pic.

by Tianhong Wang

by Leon Zhao
photo taked @ anilao ,there are more doto nudis in winter season.

by Cary Bao
Nudi Portrait

by Marc Damant
Whip Coral Monster. 100mm macro +5 diopter.

by Songda Cai
Location: Anilao Batangas Camera: Canon 5D Mark IV Lens: EF100mmMacro Lens Housing: Seacam Strobes: Seacam Flash 150 Settings: 1/200 ,F19 iso 400 Retra LSD

by Songda Cai
Goby And my Bubbles Location: Anilao Batangas Camera: Canon 5D Mark IV Lens: EF100mmMacro Lens Housing: Seacam Strobes: Seacam Flash 150 Settings: 1/200 ,F19 iso 400 Rgblue 02 Retra LSD

by Frankie Rivera
Mr Frog showing his best angle

by Patricia Sinclair
I love the contrast in the colors between the yellow eggs and the purple/lilac of the nudi

by Marc Damant
Giant Frogfish on display.

by Lilian Koh
E T I Q U E T T E Hard coral crab

by Marc Damant
Tokina 10-17mm w sea and sea ds1 strobes.

by Julian Hsu
Solar Nudibranch

by Lilian Koh
P A R K I N G Lemon goby (Lubricogobius exiguus)

by Mehmet Öztabak
little octopus/ Anilao-Philippines

by Mehmet Öztabak
Goby family

by Mehmet Öztabak
Marine Life/ Anilao-Philippines 2017

by Hakan Basar
Favorinus nudibranch feeding with another kind nudibranch eggs.

by Hakan Basar
Symbiotic relationship

by Mehmet Öztabak
Anemone/ Anilao-Philippines

by Mehmet Öztabak
Chromodoris Willani Nudibranc / Anilao-Philippines December 2017

by Mehmet Öztabak
Moray / Anilao- Philippines

by Xiaomeng Pang

by Hakan Basar
Dragon shrimp taken by D800E & Inon 240 with optic glass snoot

by Chun Zhou
First time to see and have to capture its beauty

by Chun Zhou
Rainbow Nudi

by Chun Zhou
Will kiss

by Chun Zhou
what are you missing?

by Chun Zhou
President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un

by George Touliatos
Nudie Love

by Laurie Slawson
Graceful anemone shrimp

by George Touliatos
Razor Blade Fish

by George Touliatos
Mouth full of eggs!!!

by George Touliatos
Back light Leaf Fish

by George Touliatos
Solar Nudie and a huge one by nudie standards.

by George Touliatos
Yellow speck!!!

by George Touliatos

by George Touliatos
Blue the lobster

by George Touliatos
The Guardian!!!

by George Touliatos

by George Touliatos
Mantis Shrimp!!!

by Daniel Lamborn
The Weedy Scorpionfish, of the Rhinopias - one of the true, and rare, treasures to be found beneath the surface. Reaching up to 23 cm, and can vary considerably in color (purple, red, yellow, lavender) depending on its environment.

by Marylin Batt
Hawksbill Turtle

by Stefaan Haegeman
Eye of cone snail

by Chun Zhou

by Chun Zhou

by Laurie Slawson
Goniobranchus coi/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens and Nauticam SMC-1.

by Laurie Slawson
Barrel Coral at Sombrero Peak/Photographed with Tokina 10-17 mm fisheye at Anilao, Philippines.

by Laurie Slawson
Clark's Anemonefish/Photograped with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines.

by Laurie Slawson
Garden Eel/Photographed with a Canon 100 macro lens at Anilao, Philippines.

by Laurie Slawson
Lissoporcellana sp. Crabs on a Sea Pen/Photographed with a Canon 100 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines.

by Laurie Slawson
Pair of Barigbant's Pygmy Seahorses/Photograped with a Canon 100 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Brownstripe Hydroid Shrimp/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens and SMC-1 at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Slender Crinoid Shrimp/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Daryll Rivett
Jellyfish with symbiotic fish inside, taken on a Blackwater dive in Anilao

by Laurie Slawson
Echidna nebulosa/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Chromodoris willani/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Nembrotha lineolata/Photographed with a 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Juvenile Harlequin Sweetlips/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at slow shutter speed to capture motion at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Whip Coral Shrimp/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens and SMC-1 at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Day Octopus/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Halgerda batangas/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Peacock Razorfish/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Lionfish/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Wunderpus/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Variable Fire Urchin/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens and SMC-1 at Anilao, Philippines.

by Laurie Slawson
Squat shrimp on an anemone/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Galathea sp. squat lobster/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Doriprismatica atromarginata/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Trapania vitta/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Lionfish/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Variable fire urchin/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens and SMC-1 at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Shrimp goby and shrimp/Photographed with a 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Needle Cuttlefish/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Juvenile hairy frogfish/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines

by Yuping Chen
Drift Together

by Lars Oliver Michaelis
dendronotus regius Anilao - Philippines

by Laurie Slawson
Halgerda batangas/Photographed with a Canon 60 mm macro lens at Anilao, Philippines.

by Lars Oliver Michaelis
peacock mantis shrimp (Odontodactylus scyllarus) presenting its offspring

by Lars Oliver Michaelis

by Lars Oliver Michaelis
Family Portrait

by Lars Oliver Michaelis
spiny tiger shrimp Anilao,Philippines

by Lars Oliver Michaelis

by Lars Oliver Michaelis
Colemans on fire-sea urchin (magic tube & snoot)

by Lars Oliver Michaelis
diamondback (Thysanoteuthis rhombus) BWD Anilao, Philippines

by Penn De Los Santos
A colorful nudibranch crawling on a coral. Took this shot from Anilao.

by Penn De Los Santos
Taken with an Olympus TG4. I saw this nudibranch as it was finishing to lay eggs while we were on a dive in Anilao.

by Penn De Los Santos
I found this Armina nudibranch crawling on the sand soon as we descended for a dive in Anilao. I had enough time to get the shot that I wanted.

by Penn De Los Santos
Squid on bonfire dive

by Penn De Los Santos
Clownfish at home

by Penn De Los Santos
Pink anemone fish

by Penn De Los Santos
Golden Rooster

by Magali Marquez
Coconut Octopus in his little plastic house.

by Glenn Ian Villanueva
This is a photo of an octopus inside a large beer bottle. She seems to be happy living inside this bottle, she's always spotted inside it. Taken in Anilao, Philippines.

by Penn De Los Santos
Upside down jelly

by Penn De Los Santos
Paddle flap

by Penn De Los Santos
Leaf scorpionfish yawning

by Penn De Los Santos
Lobster and Amphipods on a Jelly

by Penn De Los Santos
Paddleflap rhinopias.

by Penn De Los Santos
Clown Frogfish

by Penn De Los Santos
Clownfish in its anemone home.

by Deniz Muzaffer Gökmen
mmmm egg time too delicious

by Penn De Los Santos
Anemone home

by Deniz Muzaffer Gökmen
wunderpus larval

by Penn De Los Santos
Backlit seahorse

by Penn De Los Santos
Stare down

by Penn De Los Santos
Tiny whip coral shrimp

by Penn De Los Santos
Paddle flap

by Penn De Los Santos
Dark Knight

by Penn De Los Santos

by Penn De Los Santos
Bearded Goby

by Penn De Los Santos
Starry blenny

by Penn De Los Santos

by Regie Casia
Red carpet

by Magali Marquez
Flamboyant cuttlefish with Retra LSD

by Penn De Los Santos
Goby on whip coral

by Penn De Los Santos
Larval Wonderpus Octopus taken during a Bonfire dive.

by Penn De Los Santos
Mouth brooding Jawfish

by Regie Casia
Mr. Rhino

by Jacek Bugajski
Duet - Micro Nudi dancing with Skeleton Shrimp

by Jacek Bugajski
Thecacera Picta

by Jacek Bugajski
Yellow Goby

by Jacek Bugajski
Larval Mototi Octopus - Blackwater Diving

by Glenn Ian Villanueva
This is a photo of a porcelain crab enjoying his ride on his nudi, Armina Sp.
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