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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 195  of  452
Yellow friend
Bobtail squid (Sepiolida)
Anilao, Philippines. May 2014
'Are you looking at me?' Whip Coral Benny.

Subal underwater housing, Canon 5D mk2, Canon 100mm macro, f18, 1/200, ISO200, Inon Z240 strobes, Subsee +5 diopter
Runner Up - worthy of note but not a medal winner - an equal 4th place if you like! Runner Up 2015
Winner Monthly HotShots
Final RoundThrough to 2015 awards final round judging

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Underwater Photography is all about getting close and shooting low. This shot nails it!
The pearler
'Sea turtle' Atlantis Dive Resort, Dumaguete, Philippines

Subal underwater housing, Zen DP230 dome, Canon 5D mk2, Canon 8-15mm Fisheye @ 15mm, f11, 1/125, ISO200, Inon Z240 strobes
Canon 5Diii in Aquatica
S&S 250pro with Reefnet snoot
100mmL with stacked Aquatica +10 [hand-held] +5
1/125 f18 iso160
S U N D A Y . B R E A K
Nudibranch (Ardeadoris angustolutea)
Pom Pom Island, Malaysia. March 2015
Big brother
Anemone shrimp (Ancylomenes holthuisi)
Anilao, Philippines. January 2015
Grinch shrimp - Phychocaris sp.
Lembeh Sea Dragon in Anilao.
It's slow but constant movement make it a difficult subject, not to mention its diminutive state.
White warty frogfish (Antennarius maculatus)
Anilao, Philippines. April 2015
Magnificent Nudibranch
Thresher fly bye
Janolus sp. Backlit
Juvenile Sweet Lips - approx 3/4" in length
Pair of Yellow Pygmy Gobies,Anilao,Phillippines.
An amazing creature the Harlequin Shrimp is a riot of color and contours!
Lizzzard fish! Olympus PL6, YS-01 Strobe
'Farmer and bull'. Dumaguete, Philippines.

Subal underwater housing, Canon 5D mk2, Canon EF 8-15mm fisheye @ 15mm, f11, 1/400, ISO400, available light
G R E E N . L A N D
Sea slug (Costasiella kuroshimae)
Anilao, Philippines. April 2015
Simplex Shrimp / Looks like dirt till you get up close!
Eubranchus with skeleton shrimp
12182 Entries Found: Page 195  of  452

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