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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Indonesia

18786 Entries Found: Page 221  of  696
Bubble Coral Shrimp
100mm, SMC1, no crop
Love for a lifetime
Creepy Clown / Long shadows from one strobe gave an interesting mood to this shot.
Sea horse in Lembeh. It was lodging with a hairy frog fish but the visibility was too low to get both in - pity!
White & Milk Chocolate / Crinoid commensal shrimp
Green Moray Eel
Crinoid shrimp on the Wakatobi House Reef.
Shades of shrimp / Crinoid commensal shrimp
Ghostpipefish in front of a leather coral
point point
Fishing boat loaded and ready for todays trip. Watched it go out each day drop a big net and then 19 men on the beach would pull it into shore by hand and split the catch.
Periclimenes colemani
Nikon D800E, 105 mcacro. Two strobo
Lembeh strait
Porcellan crab
Black Elmo Passport Photo
Crinoid and Free Diver Ai Futaki
The Flame / Gill's of Chromodoris Wilani. Shot with 105 & +10 diopter.
Lady in Red
"Nicely Embedded" - Scorpionfish in his sleeping sponge
Nabucco, Indonesia
Hypselodoris infucata @ Drop off, Tulamben
Risky Business / Dare devil cleaner wrasse doing a loop the loop through the mouth of a lion.(Well Lion sounds better than Goatfish!)
Space Jelly
18786 Entries Found: Page 221  of  696

dive sites Dive sites for Indonesia