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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Wakatobi Dive Resort House Reef

Underwater Photo Location: Wakatobi Dive Resort House Reef

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Shallow starting Wall, covered in life. Easy access and great visibility.
Facts about Wakatobi Dive Resort House Reef
  • It is in Indonesia
  • Wakatobi Dive Resort House Reef is in the Banda Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-50 Metres 0-160 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Steven Miller
A very low tide on Wakatobi's House Reef

by Steven Miller
This very large turtle sees his reflection in the big dome.

by Steven Miller
Surface chop made over-unders difficult here, so this is a composite of two images shot for this purpose, then layered in Perfect Photo Suite, then painted out the top half to let the other image show through.

by James Deverich
Winged Pipe Fish

by Steven Miller
Are you finished yet? My buddy seemed to think it took me too long to light this anemone properly.

by Steven Miller
Cuttlefish garden

by Steven Miller
Clownfish glow

by Steven Miller
Squarespot Anthias took awhile to hold still

by Steven Miller
Common soft coral, uncommonly flat sea, and snell some nice clouds.

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Solar powered Nudibranch- Macro subject with a wide lens, if this is categorized wrong apologies, -it's a big Nudi

by Steven Miller
Big clam for here, and more open than you usually see them. Dome was an inch away.

by Steven Miller
Natural Over/Under B&W

by Steven Miller
Close focus wide angle framing

by Steven Miller
Flying..Fisheye lens and Snell's window

by Steven Miller
Grab shot

by Steven Miller
some small shrimp in a crinoid

by Steven Miller
Big soft coral, small aperture, very close

by Steven Miller
Lionfish pose

by Steven Miller
Photographer at work. This Cuttlefish stayed put after we were done, a perfect subject.

by Steven Miller
Dynamic water line.

by Steven Miller
Cuttlefish posing. After several wardrobe changes, the red and white won out over the yellow outfit

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Cuttlefish face

by Steven Miller
Hiding in red

by Steven Miller
Red Sea Whip school

by Steven Miller
Great Guide and Model too- Marco sees his silhouette in the dome, and moves into the frame for you- a real treat.

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Red is always a surprise to me.

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Framed turtle

by Steven Miller
Jellyfish- not very common in Wakatobi, about 3 inches long- shot right on the glass with a 10mm fisheye stopped down

by Steven Miller
Degrees of separation, sometimes one strobe is OK.

by Steven Miller
Pretty in pink

by Steven Miller
Night diving on the Full Moon

by Steven Miller
Field of grapes

by Steven Miller
Pygmy impression

by Steven Miller
Electric soft coral

by Steven Miller
Call me Sandy. Shooting in the surge

by Steven Miller
Such a bad reputation for these docile snakes

by Steven Miller
B&W LR plug in applied to Hatchling

by Steven Miller
Colorful hatchling

by Steven Miller
Contemplating.. no photoshop, LR gradient filter

by Steven Miller
Serious red- Pygmy Seahorse aren't often found on the red Sea Whips

by Steven Miller
Double Day Octopi. These two stayed put for well over an hour.. in broad daylight. Were still there when we ascended..

by Steven Miller
Looks can be deceiving; this is a straight up camera angle, you can see the surface texture about 3 feet above

by Steven Miller
2 spot Lionfish fin, boosted the colors, didn't change them though

by James Deverich
Winged pipe fish

by James Deverich
Shrimp Fish

by Steven Miller
Pretty scene straight up angle

by Steven Miller

by James Deverich
Small fry

by James Deverich
Two is better than one.

by Steven Miller
Rule of thirds, have something interesting in the top, bottom, and middle

by Steven Miller
Shallow reeftop snorkeling

by Steven Miller
Sunburst backlight

by James Deverich
Late for the Halloween party / Caprella Skeleton Shrimp

by Steven Miller
Tiny shrimp on starfish. I though the shadow made him seem.. bigger?

by Steven Miller
Blue shrimp for blue starfish, they jump like fleas

by Steven Miller
The Snell effect tells you that there isn't much crop here- this Jellyfish is just a couple inches long, but right on the glass he fills the frame. The Tokina lens at 10mm is pretty versatile if close enough

by James Deverich
Just a simple portrait / The Hawk Fish

by James Deverich
Goby again, different image maybe I like this one more. For the bouquet.

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Turtle Grass study

by Steven Miller
School of shrimp fish, they wave like turtle grass in the surge

by Steven Miller
Space Jelly

by James Deverich
The Flame / Gill's of Chromodoris Wilani. Shot with 105 & +10 diopter.

by James Deverich
Crinoid shrimp on the Wakatobi House Reef.

by James Deverich
Creepy Clown / Long shadows from one strobe gave an interesting mood to this shot.

by Steven Miller
no bokeh blenny

by Steven Miller
Snelling at slack tide

by Steven Miller
Dad is watching.. Cole's first snorkel adventure

by Steven Miller
Evil eye

by Steven Miller
F3.3 Bokeh

by Steven Miller
Pillow of polyps

by Steven Miller
Spiral colors. I remember when I thought you had to go to the Red Sea to shoot these..

by James Deverich
Pteraeolidia ianthina

by Steven Miller
Simple beauty.

by James Deverich
chromodoris Willani

by Steven Miller
Star of the shallows

by Steven Miller
Hold that pose!

by Steven Miller
no PS, LR Gradient filter on the sun

by James Deverich
Segmented eyes / Only able to shoot one angle as there was a piece of coral in front. 105mm with +10 Diopter. Munida olivarae (Olivar's Squat Lobster)

by Steven Miller
The B&W challenge

by Steven Miller
Battle ready

by Steven Miller
Coral candy spider

by Steven Miller
Ghost polyp Nudi detail

by Steven Miller
Riding the bus

by Steven Miller
Betty Davis Eyes.

by James Deverich
Whip it

by Steven Miller
Don't shoot2 -better clouds

by James Deverich
Blue bells on feathers / Trying something artistic :)

by James Deverich
Quadricolour up close and personal

by James Deverich
Dust hunter / Filtering for plankton, segmented eyes on the sky.

by Steven Miller
Chasing Butterfiles

by James Deverich
War Paint

by Steven Miller
Peeling grapes

by Steven Miller
Grazing turtle.. they eat the weirdest things

by Steven Miller
Saron shrimp detail, tangerine lace.

by Steven Miller
Still life

by Steven Miller
Room for text

by Steven Miller
The colors in Crocodilefish' skin will light up to match what they are hiding on

by Steven Miller
Different treatment. I have shot this animal in a bright scene before.

by Steven Miller
Snelling Lionfish

by Jacob Mortensen
My buddy suddenly came in front of my lens I struggled a little trying to get the sunburst in the background...

by Steven Miller
Huge Wakatobi anemone. I spent some time trying to frame and light this animal alone, resident clownfish and shrimp get all the attention..

by Jacob Mortensen
If you look closely you can see the eyes inside of the eggs inside of the bubble coral shrimp.

by Jacob Mortensen
Broadclub Cuttlefish - Wakatobi Resort Nikon D90 in Aquatica Housing, two 161 ikelite strobes ISO 200, f/13, 1/125 sec

by Jacob Mortensen
Wakatobi Housereef Nikon D90 Aquatica Housing, two 161 ikelite strobes, +10 magnifier Iso 200, 60mm, f/29, 1/160 sec.

by Steven Miller
Trying to learn layers and masks.. still have a long way to go.

by Steven Miller
Hard light

by Steven Miller
Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.. At 82 my Mom can still recite the whole p...

by Steven Miller
I wandered lonely as a cloud.. William Wordsworth My Mom recited the entire poem from memory for me today- pretty cool for 82 yrs. old

by Jacob Mortensen
I was on a hunt for a front shot of a Squarespot Anthias and this is one of the results, what do you think???

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Happy Halloween! -I am your Father Luke, or Space Boy rides the Siphon Express... An Octo eye and siphon, no photoshop- just LR brushes, saturation, and some gin.

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Sea eye

by Steven Miller
Wakatobi split

by Steven Miller
Green eyes. I don't see these fish often, and had to observe him for awhile before he finally held still.

by Steven Miller
no photoshop

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
upwelling lifted the skirt on this coral, when I looked up from the viewer, it was hanging down

by Steven Miller
8mm no crop. Flathead Crocodilefish color up when they lay on plants and corals, on sand and rock they go to white and black. Finding one perched up high was a lucky treat. 5D Mark2 in Ikelite housing

by Steven Miller
Carousel of Clowns. Dragging the shutter at 1/15th second during a spin blurs the natural light. The flash freezes the action up close,. the middle ground ghosts with some motion blur.

by Steven Miller
Sparkle city. Giant Clam at Table Coral city in Wakatobi. It's rare for them to be so nicely positioned for shooting up from very close- very happy to find this one opened up like this

by Steven Miller
Still Life

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Never seen green before

by Steven Miller
Her Majesty

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Leaning in the current

by Steven Miller
Fluoro flash + red, orange, yellow Luminance fill from Gamma lights.

by Steven Miller
Courting Wakatobi Crocodilefish

by Steven Miller
Dead calm

by Steven Miller
Very big Wakatobi Cuttlefish

by Steven Miller
Squid Power

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
If you could coax a Cuttlefish up into the shallows of the reef top you could get this shot,. the setting are the same, lens. etc. This took two images and some layering though

by Steven Miller
Confused by the panel

by Steven Miller
Crocodile fish in colored up ambush mode

by Steven Miller
Little Jewels

by Steven Miller
Amber waves of grain.. a Turtlegrass Prairie

by Steven Miller
Low-light Luminance photography. We love our lumens even if we don't need them, this has app. 200 lumens in total

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Wait for the big climb down. If you stare at Nudis they really move pretty fast and cover a lot of ground.

by Steven Miller
Living in Glass Houses.. l've seen these Salp often, but never noticed a fish living inside before.

by Steven Miller
Orangutan crab.. always on Bubble coral.

by Steven Miller
Bad Hair day.. heavy current in the shallows

by Steven Miller

by Steven Miller
Clam garden

by Steven Miller
Schooling Barracuda in Wakatobi

by Steven Miller
Looking for Iyad

by Pauline Walsh Jacobson
Spinecheek Anemonefish, Premnas biaculeatus, Wakatobi Marine Preserve

by Pauline Walsh Jacobson
Spinecheek Anemonefish, Premnas biaculeatus, Wakatobi Marine Preserve, Indonesia
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