photo photo contest© UnderwaterPhotography.comthe #1 u/w photo contest3/28/2025 7:10:22 PMConner Curnick shark from Triton Bay, underneath a fishing Bagan.3/13/2025 4:31:00 PM shark from Triton Bay, underneath a fishing Bagan. Moseley ride. Lembeh Straits, Indonesia1/14/2025 6:34:00 AM ride. Lembeh Straits, Indonesia Wu color sea fans. Taken at a depth of about 40ft on a recent trip to Raja Ampat during Xmas 2024. Taken by a friend using an Olympus OM-D with 2 strobes.1/5/2025 10:34:00 PM color sea fans. Taken at a depth of about 40ft on a recent trip to Raja Ampat during Xmas 2024. Taken by a friend using an Olympus OM-D with 2 strobes. Hsu 12:17:00 AM Pichler little Squat Lobsters mostly are looking out of holes and are not shy at all. They seem to contact you. 😉12/12/2024 1:46:00 AM little Squat Lobsters mostly are looking out of holes and are not shy at all. They seem to contact you. 😉 Bear in a Barrel- scorpionfish in a barrel sponge, Gili islands.12/9/2024 7:39:00 PM in a Barrel- scorpionfish in a barrel sponge, Gili islands. Tullis frogfish Lembah straight, sulawesi Canon Gx7m3 Fantasea housing f10 1/60 iso 12511/20/2024 6:28:00 PM frogfish Lembah straight, sulawesi Canon Gx7m3 Fantasea housing f10 1/60 iso 125 Goers Jr annae9/2/2024 8:26:00 PM annae Goers Jr cristata8/12/2024 7:04:00 AM cristata Goers Jr shrimp with piercing metallic eyes comfortably resting in a bubble coral8/10/2024 4:06:00 PM shrimp with piercing metallic eyes comfortably resting in a bubble coral