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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Indonesia

18786 Entries Found: Page 631  of  696
looking out from a cave into "The Passage", a marine "river" or narrow channel that separates 2 large islands in Raja Ampat
pair of harlequin shrimps. police pier - lembeh. 60mm macro - full frame
The beautifully overgrown wreck of the Liberty in Tulamben, North-east Bali.
the beautiful gorgonian fans of Raja Ampat
A scribbled filefish, Aluterus scriptus, nibbling on a jellyfish. Picture taken at the drop-off in Tulamben, Noth-east Bali.
Transparent crab ( latin names?...anyone...thanks) Captured at manado, Indonesia, about 10 meters depth. Canon EOS 400D, 100mm lens macro and Sea and Sea housing with YS-250Pro strobes
Now where did that shrimp go?
Where should i go!
evil eye
Ribbon Eel, Tulamben
A spider crab? Picture taken during a night dive on the Liberty wreck in Tulamben, North-east Bali.
30 metres down at bangka. 10-22mm 2 x ys 90's
super- macro of an arrow crabs head
60mm lens with 2 x converter
lembeh strait,nikon d2x 60mm macro
Cowfish, Lembeh
Do I look scary?? An Image of a posing skeleton shrimp in his natural habitat. He is only about 5mm in size.
Longnose hawkfish, Oxycirrhitis typus. Picture taken on the Liberty wreck, Tulamben, North-east Bali.
This commensal shrimp captured at manado, Indonesia. About 10 meters depth. Canon EOS-400D with Sea and Sea housing and YS-250 pro strobes
the first all black manta that I have seen, Manta Point, Raja Ampat
nikon d2x 6omm macro 2 strobes sea sea 120
Bunaken, Marine National Park, Manado,North Sulawesi Indonesia. Taken with Olympus W8080 wide angle.
Rush Hour! This school of fusillers are surely in a rush heading somewhere....taken in Weh Island, Acheh.
Frogfish pretending to be a sponge. Picture taken at Bulakan, North-east Bali.
A Pygmy Seahorse hidden in the coral found in Lembeh Strait/Indonesia.
Taken with a Canon EOS 20 D and a 60 mm in a Sealux housing with one Subtronic strobe.
18786 Entries Found: Page 631  of  696

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