Latest Contest entries
Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (This month)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (This month)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (This month)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (This month)

Underwater Photo Location: Komodo

Underwater Photo Location: Komodo

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
It was taken during a wonderful Liveaboard trip in Indonesia, for me it shows the fantastic coulors of nature
Facts about Komodo
  • It is in Indonesia
  • Komodo is in the Java Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-20 Metres 0-60 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 30+ Metres 100+ Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

by Nedip Emin
A beautiful soft coral patch in crystal clear water

by Nedip Emin
Do I look scary?? An Image of a posing skeleton shrimp in his natural habitat. He is only about 5mm in size.

by Thomas Lueken
found in Komodo, F100

by Daan Van Duinkerken
An absolutely tiny Nudibranch (max. 4 or 5 mm) in Komodo National Park. Anyone know what species?

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Stonefish, in mating "dress"

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Shrimp in Bubble Coral

by Carl Gennaro
Proud Clown

by Carl Gennaro

by Carl Gennaro
Cuttle Fish

by Marco Waagmeester
Chromodoris kuniei nudibranch at Gili Lawa Laut, Komodo (Canon G9, Inon D2000, UCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
Chromodoris nudibranch "looking" in the lens - Komodo (Canon G9, Inon D2000, UCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
Nembrotha yonowae nudibranch at Sangean Island, Komodo (Canon G9, Inon D2000w, 2xUCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
Red eyed crab in a barrel sponge - Gili Lawa Laut, Komodo (Canon G9, Inon D2000w, UCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
"Inside the Tunicate" - Banta Island, Komodo (Canon G9, Inon D2000w, UCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
"Nudibranch Race", that the fastest may win ;-) (Hypselodoris nigrostriata) - Sangean Island, Indonesia (Canon G9, Inon D2000, UCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
"Up close and personal" (Risbecia tryoni) - Sangean island, Indonesia (Canon G9, Inon D2000w, 2xUCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
Gymnodorididae nudibranch (Gymnodoris impudica) - Sangeang Island, Indonesia (Canon G9, Inon D2000w)

by Marco Waagmeester
Chromodorididae nudibranch (Chromodoris strigata) - Sangeang Island, Indonesia (Canon G9, Inon D2000w, UCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
Chromodorididae nudibranch (Chromodoris reticulata) - Sangeang Island, Indonesia (Canon G9, Inon D2000w, UCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
Dorididae nudibranch (Jorunna funebris) - Gili Banta island, Indonesia (Canon G9, Inon D2000w, UCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
"Vanilla flavoured with caramel topping" Chromodorididae nudibranch (Chromodoris coi) - Sangeang Island, Indonesia (Canon G9, Inon D2000w, UCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
Chromodorididae nudibranch (Ceratosoma tenue) - Sangeang Island, Indonesia (Canon G9, Inon D2000w, UCL165)

by Marco Waagmeester
Small commensal shrimp on sea star - Komodo, Indonesia (Canon G9, Inon D2000, 2xUCL165)

by Debi Henshaw
"Sea Apple" taken in Komodo

by Richard Witmer
Nembrotha Aurea in Komodo. G9/Ikelite DS160s/Stacked Inon UCL165s. No cropping.

by Richard Witmer
Crocodile Fish in Komodo. G9/Ikelite DS160s.

by Richard Witmer
Happy! This little blenny looks like he is having a great day! G9/Ikelite DS160s/Stacked Inon UCL165s. No Cropping.

by Richard Witmer
Hold on! Hypselodoris bullocki in a lot of current in Komodo. G9/DS160s/2 UCL 165s.

by Richard Witmer
Jeff and anemone fish at Komodo. G9/DS160s/Wide Angle Lens.

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Bunch of Grumpy Faces :)

by Richard Witmer
Orangutan Crab (Achaeus japonicus). G9/Ikelite DS160s/Stacked Inon UCL165s.

by David Henshaw
Nudibranch (Reticulidia halgerda)

by Marchione Giacomo
Merlet yellow Rhinopia Nikon D200, 60 micro, twin strobo

by Christian Nielsen
We found this little frogfish on 20 meters of water. A little patience a he was looking into the lens. A perfect subject for the 50mm macro lens.

by Christian Nielsen
We found this beauty in Horseshoe Bay, Rinca Island. It was shot with a 50mm macro with 1 flash.

by Marchione Giacomo
Rhinopia yellow merlet Nikon D22,60 micro,twin strobo Komodo 2009

by Marchione Giacomo
Strange lunch. Nikon D200 , 60 micro,twin strobo Komodo 2009

by Marchione Giacomo
Nudi with pois red Komodo 2009 Nikon D200, 60 micro, twin strobo

by Marchione Giacomo
Mortal Kombat Nikon D200, 60 micro, twin strobo Lombok 2009

by Pete Devereux
Ornate Ghost Pipefish

by Marchione Giacomo
Komodo Bay Nikon d200,12-24 zoom

by Pete Devereux
Night dive cameo taken with torchlight as forgot to recharge strobe batteries!

by Marchione Giacomo
Running Nikon D200, 60 micro, twin strobo Komodo 2009

by Pete Devereux
Another night dive cameo using only torch light

by Pete Devereux
Underside of table coral

by Pete Devereux
Skittish little things!

by Alex Bonvin
Ambiance, Komodo

by Annika Persson
Nudie face, looking a bit like vanilla ice cream, draped with chocolate sauce :O)

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Snorkeling at the mangroves !!

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Manta from tip to toe :)

by Adriano Trapani
another old friend from Lembeh and Sipadan: crocodile fish! this time I went for a close-up as the pattern in their eyes always fascinated me

by Raoul Caprez
A lot of patience and my Canon G9.

by Raoul Caprez
Oups ! Marylin Monroe ... :-) (Chromodoris kunei)

by Raoul Caprez
Face to face with Achaeus japonicus

by Raoul Caprez
Hippocampus kuda arround Komodo island.

by Raoul Caprez
Ceratosoma trilobatum met around Komodo Island

by Raoul Caprez
If anybody knows the scientific name of this fish, please let me know. Thank you.

by Raoul Caprez
Like a painting of the 19th century

by Raoul Caprez
Flabellina taken in Komodo

by Raoul Caprez
Flamboyant Cuttle fish hunting in the night ... a great moment.

by Raoul Caprez
Soft coral crab on its way (Hoplophrys oatesii)

by Raoul Caprez
A fat one :-) (Risbecia tryoni)

by Raoul Caprez
Lauriea sp.

by Raoul Caprez
B&W spiral

by Raoul Caprez
Hoplophrys oatesii

by Raoul Caprez
Hypselodoris bullockii

by Raoul Caprez
Neopetrolisthes maculatus

by Raoul Caprez
Small bride :-)

by Raoul Caprez
A small piece of jewelry (encrusted with saphires & diamonds :-))

by Raoul Caprez
Face to face

by Raoul Caprez
Close enough ... (Arothron mappa)

by Raoul Caprez
A new planet ...

by Raoul Caprez
Hippocampus denise

by Raoul Caprez
Kiss me !!! (Cimbacephalu beauforti)

by Raoul Caprez
Swimming pool for angel fish (Pomacanthus sexstriatus in a big sponge)

by Raoul Caprez
Climbing time (Hairy crab - Lauriea sp)

by Raoul Caprez
Fire under water

by Raoul Caprez
Hoplophrys oatesii

by Raoul Caprez
Neopetrolisthes maculatus

by Raoul Caprez
Glossodoris atromarginata

by Frank Wiegand
3 ft reef shark in cave, off the Island of Komodo, Indonesia.

by Raoul Caprez
A white shadow in the night

by Raoul Caprez
Bad visibility in Komodo :-)

by Raoul Caprez
Hippocampus kuda

by Raoul Caprez
One week on the Sea Safari III (Komodo cruise)... one week in paradise :-)

by Raoul Caprez
Just red ...

by Raoul Caprez
A lot of patience with this small fish (Helcogramma striatum)

by Marchione Giacomo
Strange crab Nikon D200, 105 micro, twin strobo Komodo 2009

by Raoul Caprez
Spiky ? (Inimicus caledonicus)

by Raoul Caprez
Out of the dark !

by Tunc Yavuzdogan
Alone in the Sea..

by Raoul Caprez
Pisa (Hoplophrys oatesii)

by Raoul Caprez
Colors of Komodo

by Raoul Caprez
Green carpet for a red fish (Helcogramma striatum)

by Mona Dienhart
a peaceful day in Komodo NP. A mirror view of Rinca island

by Raoul Caprez
Pointillism technique in 2011 :-)

by Marchione Giacomo
Lovers Nikon D200 , 60 micro, ywo strobo Komodo Island

by Mona Dienhart

by Raoul Caprez
I didn't understand what he was trying to tell me ... :-) (Arothron mappa)

by Raoul Caprez
Apache's painting :-) (Dactylopus sp)

by Raoul Caprez
Give me a kiss !!! (Cimbacephalus beauforti)

by Afflitti Gianluca
the four musketeers.......

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
saron sp.

by Davide Lopresti
Clown fish eggs

by Marchione Giacomo
MR. Rhinopia Nikon D200, 60 micro,twin strobo Komodo Island

by John Roach
Juv frogfish

by Martin Ferak
Manta from Komodo NP

by Martin Ferak
Feeding manta

by Martin Ferak
"Winter" fairytale

by Martin Ferak
Behind fish curtain

by Martin Ferak
UW photographer

by Jeannette Howard
"Lady Bug" amphipod, Komodo ~ Indonesia

by Martin Ferak
BW manta

by Martin Ferak
BW shark

by Martin Ferak

by Marchione Giacomo
Trasparenze Nikon D200 , 60 micro , twin strobo Komodo Island

by James Laker
Porcelain Crab Taken on my recent trip to Komodo National Park

by James Laker

by Michelle Tobin

by James Laker
The Local Hangout

by Michelle Tobin

by James Laker
Scorpionfish conveniently waiting for me on a safety stop

by Michelle Tobin

by Michelle Tobin

by James Laker
Orangutan Crab

by James Laker
Moray nicely lit in Shadow

by Michelle Tobin

by James Laker
Leaf fish on coral head

by James Laker
Leaf fish

by Michelle Tobin

by James Laker
Cuttlefish Hunting on the Reef

by James Laker
Scorpionfish 2nd shot on a safety stop

by James Laker
Silhouette of Eagle Ray

by James Laker
The textures of the sea.

by James Laker

by James Laker

by James Laker
Anemone Shrimp

by James Laker
Cardinal fish, these are both shy and constantly on the move so a good shot with a compact.

by James Laker
Cuttlefish eye close up

by James Laker
Textures of the Reef. Green Bubble Anemone, close up.

by James Laker
Clownfish in Bubble Anemone

by James Laker

by James Laker
Give me Five!

by Oscar Miralpeix
Tritonia sp. Size: around 1 cm

by Oscar Miralpeix
CAMOUFLAGING Nikon d70 Nikkor 105

by Oscar Miralpeix
clownfish ventilating the eggs with its fins

by Oscar Miralpeix
Cyprea EATING soft coral

by Oscar Miralpeix
Arlequin shrimp. When I saw one of this shrimps for first time I was very impressed For me is one of most beautiful things you can see underwater.

by Oscar Miralpeix
Whitetip reef shark portrait

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix
Longnose Hawkfish

by Oscar Miralpeix
Coral crab

by Oscar Miralpeix
Ghostpipefish portrait

by Oscar Miralpeix
Zebra crab

by Oscar Miralpeix
Calamar close up

by Oscar Miralpeix
Colourfull anthyas

by Oscar Miralpeix
Ambon Scorpionfish

by Oscar Miralpeix
Jackfish school on big table coral

by Oscar Miralpeix
Soft coral crab

by Oscar Miralpeix
cleaner fish on puffer fish

by Oscar Miralpeix
"orange/green" shrimp over coral

by Oscar Miralpeix
Spanish dancer friend

by Luke Gordon
Blue-Ringed Octopus, F16, 1/200, 100mm macro

by Luke Gordon
Maronia arborescens....a real gem!

by Oscar Miralpeix
Hidroid nudi

by Carlotta Arona
Hairy Squat Lobster Location: Komodo, Indonesia Camera details: Canon Powershot G12, Canon WP-DC34 Housing, Focal length 6.1mm, no strobes, no flash Settings: f/2.8, 1/60s, ISO500

by Oscar Miralpeix
"blue" star and friend

by Oscar Miralpeix
little crab on softcoral

by Greg Duncan
Shy Yellow Blenny hiding in tube coral

by Greg Duncan
Chromodoris Leopardis Komodo

by Greg Duncan
Beautiful flavelina in Komodo.

by Oscar Miralpeix
Longnose Hawkfish

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Morgan Ashton
A cloud of silversides at Komodo National Park

by Morgan Ashton
Coral head in Komodo National Park. Sony RX-100.

by Morgan Ashton
Coral Cat shark. Sony RX-100. Komodo National Park.

by Morgan Ashton
A Pleasant Safety Stop. Sony RX-100. Komodo National Park.

by Morgan Ashton
Anemone Shrimp.. Komodo. RX-100. Subsee x10 diopter.

by Morgan Ashton
The town of Labuan Bajo on the island of Flores near Komodo. The boats in the background are mostly liveaboard dive boats.

by Morgan Ashton
Turtle feeding on coral

by Morgan Ashton

by Morgan Ashton
Guard Dragon. Rinca Island.

by Afflitti Gianluca
moray eels in contact

by Afflitti Gianluca
Sepia night........

by Afflitti Gianluca
coral fish

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
shrimp and nudibranchia

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
like the firmament

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Stuart Ganz
Spanish dancer shrimp

by Henrik Rasmussen
Cuttlefish on reef. Taken with a canon 50D, Tokina 10-17mm, 2 inon strobes

by Moritz Drabusenigg
Manta shot from "Karang Makassar" in the Komodo National Park! With Canon 600D, Tokina 10-17mm

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Morgan Ashton
Sweetlips portrait in Komodo. Sony RX-100.

by Oscar Miralpeix
camouflaged little crab

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Steve Laycock
Manta gives a smile

by Matt Schafer
I found this Nembrotha kubaryana somewhere in the Komodo National Park.

by Stuart Ganz
Mushroom coral opening up

by Gang Song
Hide and seek

by Gang Song
A big-eye bug won't leave diver's glove.

by Gang Song
Pink house supper

by Gang Song
the most colorful ever

by Alan Johnson
komodo liveaboard at sunset

by Peter Allinson
Clownfish swimming in an anemone

by James Deverich
Reminds me of the racing snail in Never Ending Story. Shot in Komodo

by Stuart Ganz

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix

by Oscar Miralpeix
uw texture

by Tracey Jennings
Beautiful poison

by Gabriel De Leon Jr
Anemone and Residents

by Stuart Ganz
Decorator crab

by Tracey Jennings
Electrified poison ... stonefish in Komodo

by Laura Dinraths
Delicate soft coral in the current

by Laura Dinraths
Intricate - a sea star gliding between coral

by Laura Dinraths
Feather stars trio

by Laura Dinraths
Eagle ray on the prowl

by Laura Dinraths
Pebbled red sea star and green sea squirts

by Peter Allinson
hairy squat lobster

by Norm Vexler
On a live aboard journey from Flores to Bali, this friendly Cuttlefish came so close to me. It almost felt like he was saying, "hi... nice to meet you!" Nikon D7000 / ISO 400 / 60mm / f 16 / 1/160 sec

by Tianhong Wang

by Tianhong Wang
OCEAN ALIEN This guy look like an alien creature in cartoons

by Tianhong Wang

by Luke Gordon
Gurnard Portrait

by Ipah Uid
G H O S T 2 toned pygmy squid

by Manbd Uidive
TOBY Grand Komodo

by Manbd Uidive
Shrimp with Eggs Komodo - Grand Komodo

by Manbd Uidive
KOMODO Grand Komodo

by Manbd Uidive
REDTIPS Less 5mm Komodo - Grand Komodo

by Filip Staes
Clownfish, Komodo, Indonesia.

by Rudy Janssen

by Rudy Janssen
Waterlilly Roboastra

by Rudy Janssen
NEMO with parasite

by Vanessa Clementson
I conceptualised and framed this shot and then dragged my husband away from his book to press the shutter while I posed.

by Marchione Giacomo
Manta and jaws Komodo , manta point Nikon D800e , 17/35mm , two strobo

by Jacek Bugajski
Two of Bubble Coral Shrimps
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