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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Joshua Tappert

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Peoples' Vote

Yellow Seahorse
By Joshua Tappert
posted Sunday, March 20, 2011
32 votes

Night time Squid
By Joshua Tappert
posted Tuesday, February 15, 2011
31 votes

Orange Clown fish on Green Anemone
By Joshua Tappert
posted Monday, January 17, 2011
28 votes

Night time Anemone.  Shot with a 60mm.  Taken in Sabang Bay, Puerta Galera Philippines.
By Joshua Tappert
posted Tuesday, January 11, 2011
27 votes

Crinoid crab.  Shot in Puerta Galera, Philippines
By Joshua Tappert
posted Friday, December 31, 2010
26 votes

Sunlight from above.  Just ending another great dive in Dumaguete Philippines.
By Joshua Tappert
posted Tuesday, January 11, 2011
24 votes

Freefallin the wall.  Dive Master Paul in Tubbataha. Azores Live-a-board in the background.
By Joshua Tappert
posted Sunday, January 23, 2011
22 votes

Photographer and the Sea turtle
Shot in Tubbataha, Southwestern Philippines.
By Joshua Tappert
posted Wednesday, January 12, 2011
21 votes

Hungry Nudi.
By Joshua Tappert
posted Wednesday, March 23, 2011
21 votes

Shot in Puerta Galera Philippines.  One of the many dive sites, although I cant remember which one..  60 mm lens, D200, Sea and Sea housing. Dual strobes.
By Joshua Tappert
posted Sunday, January 9, 2011
19 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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25 Entries Found
Jelly and the Mangroves
Jellyfish Lake Palau
Blue Holes
Purple Nudi
PNG Coral
BlackJack B17 Bomber wreck. 160' depth
Shot with Magic Filter. And then white balanced post as I could not white balance at that depth b/c of lack of light.
Mantis Shrimp
Hungry Nudi.
Yellow Seahorse
Mating Mandarin 2. This is the second shot as they spiraled upward. Fun photo shoot!
Mating Mandarin Fish.
Old Spanish Anchor
Located at the end of the Canyons, in Puerto Galera, Philippines.
Night time Squid
Moonlit night on the Azores
Anemone Fish in Puerta Galera
Freefallin the wall. Dive Master Paul in Tubbataha. Azores Live-a-board in the background.
Tubbataha Red Sea fan
Orange Clown fish on Green Anemone
Photographer and the Sea turtle
Shot in Tubbataha, Southwestern Philippines.
Sunlight from above. Just ending another great dive in Dumaguete Philippines.
Night time Anemone. Shot with a 60mm. Taken in Sabang Bay, Puerta Galera Philippines.
Shot in Puerta Galera Philippines. One of the many dive sites, although I cant remember which one.. 60 mm lens, D200, Sea and Sea housing. Dual strobes.
The bow of the Alma Jane in Sabang, Puerta Galera Philippines. Shot with my 10.5mm. Depth about 90ft.
Wire Coral shot at Sabang Point in Puerta Galera Philippines
Crinoid crab. Shot in Puerta Galera, Philippines
George and the Sea snake.
25 Entries Found