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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (6 days ago)
Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (last week)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (last week)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)
Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (last week)

Underwater Photo Location: Dumaguete

Underwater Photo Location: Dumaguete

How Hot is this Dive Site? click a star to rate it
Good place with many good photo ops.
Facts about Dumaguete
  • It is in Philippines
  • Dumaguete is in the Philippine Sea.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

Diving facilities

Photo facilities

by Eric Leong
Having Fun

by Romir Aglugub
Ornate Ghost Pipe Fish - Dumaguete. Macro; Canon IXUS 85IS on Ikelite housing, Manual Whitebalance, no flash or strobe.

by Jörg Menge
Up and Down

by Jörg Menge
ART Hard Corals but I don`t now the name ?

by Joshua Tappert
Yellow Seahorse

by Eric Fly
Whats up!!

by Marchione Giacomo
The nudy Nikon D200, 60 micro ,twin strobo Dumagueta 2011

by John Hill
Sea horse lit from behind with extended strobe. I've got several shots with "normal lighting" but i prefer this as it's a little different.

by Marchione Giacomo
The box Nikon D200 , 60 micro, twin strobo Dumaguete 2011

by John Hill
Whip Coral Shrimp. Canon S-95 + UCL 165 + Z240.

by John Hill
i was taking some pics of these anenomefish eggs when a juvenile popped up to have a look at what was going on. S-95 + UCL 165

by Marchione Giacomo
Bouuuu: Nikon D200 , 60 micro , twin strobo Doumaguete 2011

by John Hill
HERE'S JOHNY!! A real "shining" moment when this 4inch Frogfish popped through the weeds whilst i was looking at a crab about a foot below him. Certainly made me jump, then more than happy to take his pic. Luckily he didn't have an axe!

by John Hill
First Zeno Crab encounter! Very pleased to finally tick this one off. Now, where's that whale shark....?

by Marchione Giacomo
New generation Nikon D200, 60 micro, twin strobo Dumaguete 2011

by John Hill
Smile! Nembrotha pushing against some coral 'twigs'. It did this repeatedly for about a minute before moving on. S-95 + stacked 165's + single strobe.

by Marchione Giacomo
Crystal Nikon D200, 60 micro,twin strobo Dumaguete2011

by John Hill
Very small Black Samoan Pipefish (4 inch) with red eyes.

by Marylin Batt
Fire Gobie

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Weird Jelly Fish

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
A pair of Shrimps on the move

by Marylin Batt
tiny bubble anemone shrimp

by Marchione Giacomo
three ghosts Nikon D200, 60 micro , twin strobo Dumaguete2011

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Shrimp dancing

by John Hill
Two juvenile Squid mesmerized by my strobe light. Night dive, Dumaguete.

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Small pipe horse clinging to a "straw"

by John Hill
Bit of an abstract nudi. Very colourful underwater, almost looked liked flowing lava as it moved.

by John Hill
Huray! for Moray's! (especially ones that like to pose for profile shots)

by Michael Johnson
Wounderpus free swimming off Dumaguete in the Philippines

by Marylin Batt
Pink and multicolor flat worm

by Marylin Batt
All eyes

by Marylin Batt
Close up of the gills of this orange and white nudi

by Marylin Batt

by Marylin Batt
Red reticulated Nudi

by John Hill
Nembrotha :)

by Nadia Chiesi
Surprese ? I love this photo, this beautiful clown fish was scared therefore it was hidden, but then it came out and I illuminated it with my flash This picture was taken in Dumaguete during a beautiful vacation in April 2011, my first experienc

by John Hill
Tiny Goby playing hide and seek around it's home. (Or just trying not to get eaten by the giant with a camera) :) Getting close to these guys with stacked macro lenses is quite a challenge!!

by Marylin Batt
They called it a candy cane urchin

by Marylin Batt

by Marylin Batt
White eyed Moray

by John Clifford
Dragon Shrimp Canon G12 (Ikelite housing) 1/250s | f5.6 | ISO 100 ND filter, +2 EV, Spot metering Single DS 161 (slightly forward right, high and angled in) +5 Subsee diopter Sola 600 focus light

by John Clifford
Nudibranch Canon G12 (Ikelite housing) 1/250s | f5.6 | ISO 100 ND filter, +2 EV, Spot metering Single DS 161 (Subsee fiber optic snoot) +5 Subsee diopter Sola 600 focus light

by John Clifford
Crinoid Shrimp Canon G12 (Ikelite housing) 1/250s | f8 | ISO 100 ND filter, -2 EV, Spot metering Twin DS 161 (positioned just off the side of the front port) +10 Subsee diopter Sola 600 focus light

by John Clifford
Freckled Frogfish

by John Clifford

by Alex Roleda
Nudibranch with different color and sized rhinophores taken at Bantayan Dumaguete City Negros Oriental Philippines

by Daniel Strub
Platax in Dauin :-D

by Andre Snoopy Montenegro
stripes Canon t2i 100mm lens f16 1/320 iso 200

by Marchione Giacomo
The box Nikon d200, twin strobo, 60 micro Dumaguete . Philippines

by Marchione Giacomo
Ghostes Nikon D200, 60 micro, twin strobo Dumaguete . Philippines

by Marchione Giacomo
Bubble shrimp Nikon D200 , 60 macro Nikon, twin strobo Dumaguete

by Henrik Gram Rasmussen
Xenon Crab

by Marchione Giacomo
The ghosts Nikon D200 , 60 macro Seacam housing, two strobo sea and sea 120YS ISO 200, F24,1/160

by Pauline Gast
Open wide, please. Yawning Leaf scorpion fish in Dumaguete, Philippines

by Henley Spiers
Profile of a Moody Giant Frogfish Olympus EM5, Olympus 60mm Nauticam housing, Sea & Sea YS-D1, Retra LSD Prime f16 1/250 ISO 200

by Henley Spiers
'March of the Ball Helmet' A Ball Helmet (Semicassis bisulcata)makes surprisingly fast progress as it slides through the night in Dumaguete, Philippines.

by Henley Spiers
Flamboyant Cuttlefish

by Henley Spiers
'Proud, Dignified & Warty'

by Henley Spiers
Fingered Dragonet

by Leena Roy
peek a boo

by Leena Roy
Anemone fish and eggs

by Henley Spiers
Map Puffer in Your face

by Pierre Mineau
Juvenile frog fish

by Suzan Meldonian
Anna's Chromodoris-butt shot

by Anais Niesbach
Pregnant pygmy seahorse
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