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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 350  of  452
"Creative Lighting" Tube anemone shot with just my torch light, slow shutter speed and wide aperture!
Leaf Scorpion Fish. Canon G10
It already touched my lens....
... dangerous beauty ...
"Whassunder 'ere?"
Swimming Sargassum Frogfish - always wanted to see one of these and got lucky on our last trip there he was floating on a very swelly surface which made shooting him extra difficult!
Colman Shrimp on a Fire Urchin...Not Cropped :-)
Whip Coral Shrimp
"Mr Chamberlaini I presume!" Nembrotha Chamberlaini
A moray eel that posted for me showing off it's pearly whites with contempt. I was actually out looking for nudibranch that I've yet to see.
Great sundown before a unforgetable nightdive on the philippines...
Peek a boo....
Good Morning!!!
"In the Belly of the Fire" Straight out of the camera using a 60mm with +4 diopter
Little juvenile painted frogfish on the hunt to get bigger.
ready for take-off ... big grin
Clown frogfish ... Dauin
Juv. a. pictus - small but soooooo colorfull big grin - Thanks B-Bhing
Goby on a gorgonia, f. 22 - 1/100
I'm scared of heights!!!
Taringa halgerda, Anilao Philippines.
peek a boo! PG, philippines, an old one with the casio exilim
smile for the camera... diving photographers doing what photographers do
12182 Entries Found: Page 350  of  452

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