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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 342  of  452
"Gracile Cup Coral"
from the night dive at the house reef of Kasai Village, Moalboal, Philippines.
(Oly E-3, 50mm macro, 1,4x teleconverter, f14, 1/250, ISO100)
Orangutang Crab.
More photos: click here
Ligid Island,Davao, Philippines
This one is very cooperative!
Nembrotha lineolata on golden sea squirt (Polycarpa aurata)
Bronze Medal Bronze Medal 2010

Final RoundThrough to 2010 awards final round judging
Nemo with 10000 babies.
More photos: click here
2 frogfishes
"Mating Bubble Coral Shrimps"
On top the female, there you can recognize the eggs.
From the House reef of Kasai Village, Moalboal, Philippines.
found in Sabang; D200
Underwater Beehive.....
Horns - Nembrotha lineolata
Look of surprise on that clown fish face D200 /60mm
in its habitat at marine sanctuary, Moalboal, Philippines.
from behind....
Friends Pre-Nuptial Photo......
Juvenile Filefish trying to blend in with the soft coral
"Mating Mandarins"
From the house reef of Kasai Village, Moalboal, Philippines
pot coral and divers
Stretch out for something? Looks really like a goat head...
ghost pipefish eye
Thorny Seahorse portret. Taken with Nikon D300, 105mm and 2X teleconverter, no cropping.
Classic Colman shrimps couple for me today D200/105 VR
Nembrotha Chamberlaini - mating
12182 Entries Found: Page 342  of  452

dive sites Dive sites for Philippines