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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 297  of  452
New generation
Nikon D200, 60 micro, twin strobo
Dumaguete 2011
Guard by Mat Yie
by: Mat Yie
Spearing Mantis Shrimp
Iwas lucky to get very close to this small cuttlefish
Small Ornate Ghost Pipefish
Colourless pygmy, very small. Decided to shoot black & white.
Juvenile Catfish hiding in a broken fish cage. by Mat Yie
by: Mat Yie
Juvenile Catfish hiding in a broken fish cage.
First Zeno Crab encounter! Very pleased to finally tick this one off. Now, where's that whale shark....?
f8,1/125,iso 80, auto WB
nikon d2x 60 mm micro
Small commensal shrimp in anemone
Pair of Ornate Ghost Pipefish
f8, 1/125, ISO 80, WB auto, 2 inon close up lense stack (165 and 330), 2 inon strobe at low power, s95, full zoom.
Mating Manderine fish
Pretty Yellow Blenny would hold still for a picture but not look at the camera
Hoplodoris estrelyado
nikon d2x 60 mm micro
Manta soaring over Tubbataha Reef
This Banded Shrimp came out from under his rock and posed
for this picture.
HERE'S JOHNY!! A real "shining" moment when this 4inch Frogfish popped through the weeds whilst i was looking at a crab about a foot below him. Certainly made me jump, then more than happy to take his pic. Luckily he didn't have an axe!
thor shrimp
Moray zoom
Nikon D200, 60mm micro, twin strobo
Dumaguete 2011
Luke. I am you're father...
Hell's Kitchen
nikon d70s,60mm micro
Nikon D200 , 60 micro , twin strobo
Doumaguete 2011
12182 Entries Found: Page 297  of  452

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