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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 174  of  452
One of a series of 17 images shot as the nudibranch casually navigated the face of the scorpion fish.
"Come on Nudi, light my fire!" Hypselodoris tryoni. Dauin, Philippines, 08/2015. I particularly like the red background that brings a more dramatic effect to this mezmerizing nudibranch! Canon G16, single S&S YS-D1, Aquako III, 1/1000, f/8, ISO 80
Final RoundThrough to 2015 awards final round judging
Hermitcrab & Scorpionfish
Flabellina exoptata
Candy Crab (Hoplophrys oatesi)
Anilao, Philippines
Mom and babies
Anemone Shrimp
Miropandalus hardingi - Dragon Shrimp
Rhinopias fondosa - Weedy scorpionfish
Runner Up Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!
Goby on seasquirt
Skeleton shrimp~
Crinoid Shrimp. Laomenes amboinensis
Gloriously healthy coral reef off Cabilao island.
Mother skeleton shrimp
We spent over half the dive watching these 3 flamboyant cuttlefish as they flashed their colors in a mating ritual. Shot with an Olympus OMD EM1 with 2 Oly strobes.
bubbels orang utan
Plane wreck of Boracay
A discarded pipe can make a fitting home
Lovely Nemo's babies~
Itchy and Scratchy
three in a row
I am a mother...
— Subal underwater housing, Canon 5D mk2, Canon EF 100mm macro, f18, 1/200, ISO200, Inon Z240 strobe
12182 Entries Found: Page 174  of  452

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