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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 168  of  452
Weedy Scorpionfish / Rhinopias frondosa
Black Stripe dottyback (Pseudochromis perspicillatus) taken in Anilao. it seems likely two males in a territorial dispute.
Snow is falling
Baby harlequin shrimp feels safe between its mother's arms.
pygmy seahorse taken at Anilao, Batangas, Philipines at depth 15meter. Using Olympus OEM-EM1 with Nauticam housing and Sea&Sea x2 Strobe, SMC dioptor with the close up shot.
A bearded yellow goby
H A P P Y! A little porcelain crab on an unusual blue anemone
Tiger Shrimp
Seahorse ....
An orange sea star at Beatrice in Anilao, Philippines
Just lounging around.... Two coleman shrimp on a fire urchin
Christmas is coming~
Christmas is coming~
Christmas is coming~
Original color without adjustment.
Same cuttlefish.
light in the sponge
small little Shrimp
Juvenile harlequin sweet lips
Peppermint / Stripehead Pygmy Goby - Trimma striata
Juvenile lionfish.
Kiss Me . A little Pigmy Seahorse on a Gorgonian Fan
phycocaris simulans
Terror of the deep, the fearsome, the ferocious....... GOBI!!!!!!
Flabellina rubrolineata
Big Blue Froggy
12182 Entries Found: Page 168  of  452

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