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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest | Macro - Super macro

6010 Entries Found: Page 131  of  223
Shots taken (at smaller than 1:1) with multiple extension rings, diopters, or teleconverters of extremely small subjects typically less than 1 inch (2.5 cm)
Mouth-hatching jawfish big grin
Final RoundThrough to 2013 awards final round judging
Clingfish, Pulau Weh
Striped Bumblebee Shrimp @ Anilao
small goby on a seapen
Tiny tiny worm.
Bumblebee Shrimp
Mouth of a bentstick pipefish big grin
Goby at Night
Caryophyllia smithii
Little goby poking its head out
Porcelain and Pearls
Final RoundThrough to 2013 awards final round judging
Simply a Pacific Sand Lance
Sea Flea
Cleaner shrimp, Pulau Weh
Pontohi Pgymy Seahorse (Rare sighting!) 1 of the few new species found over the last few years.
Very curious indeed...
Incurrent siphon of an unionid mussel.
Note the dipteran larva sneaking
through the screen of papillae.
Look to my eyes!!!!
Little Goby on his Whip Coral... :O)...
Look what I found insiide of the eye of an scorpion Fish...terrifying, isn't it?
Ha ha! three in a row! Here's my Pregnant Skeleton Shrimp. Nice shots Oscar and Iyad!
Pregnant skeleton Shrimp
Tiny Mediterranean skeleton shrimp (pregnant)
6010 Entries Found: Page 131  of  223