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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Indonesia

18786 Entries Found: Page 171  of  696
The Arlequins.
Nikon D800E . 105mm Nikon , lens sub sea . Two strobo
Juvenile Batfish struttering her stuff
Aeolid Nudibranch (Flabellina ?)
Enjoying the view! (Undetermined Crinoid Shrimp)
Pygmy seahorse
(Hippocampus bargibanti)
Spring collection. This decorator crab is looking very stylish sitting on top of his sea pen. The photo was taken with a macro diopter and a simple torch. Captured top down to get a really interesting composition.
Hide! The "gang" is on the prowl looking for a quick snack!!!
23rd May 2016
Hey, talk to me..
It's World Turtle Day!
Green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas)
Lombok (Gili), Indonesia. May 2016
A hunting frogfish is always a nice encounter. The fleshy lure of the hairy frogfish makes it very recognizable. To get the lure as big as possible this shot was made with an Inon Macro Wide angle lens. Focus distance 0 cm.
Back Lit Paddle Flap Rhinopia
Runner Up Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!
Final RoundThrough to 2016 awards final round judging

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Unusual lighting for this subject! Very nicely done!
Red Shrimp
Face Off
Giant Frogfish - Antennarius Commerson
Bali, Indonisia
Hide and seek. Two inquisitive anemone fish peeking out to see if I was still watching.
Pygmy watch!
Cloud 9
Super Sucker ... !
Slender Pipefish - Trachyrhamphus longirostris
Padangbai, Bali
Long-spined porcupinefish.
"Prey Stalking" part of my Underwater Surrealism series. Image is playing off the name of the animal (frogfish) with the flies buzzing overhead and how both the Venus Fly Trap and the Frogfish wait patiently for their prey
I didn't do it, I've been framed... This cute little pygmy seahorse was doing their usual trick of turning his back and looking away. However, a lot of patience finally paid off with him framed in an opening in the fan.
Pigmy Seahorse.
Tulamben, Bali
Grace and beauty in motion. A large black Manta ray.
"You cant see me!" (Pygmy Seahorse -Hippocampus bargibanti)
E G G S ! !
Nudibranch laying eggs (Doto ussi/Dotidae)
Tulamben, Indonesia. July 2015
B L U E - I N K
Harlequin shrimp (Hymenocera picta)
Tulamben, Indonesia. July 2015
Nudibranch (Janolus sp.)
Padangbai, Indonesia. July 2015
Baba's Crinoid Squat Lobster
18786 Entries Found: Page 171  of  696

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