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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Indonesia

18786 Entries Found: Page 621  of  696
"Standing Up" (Bornella anguilla) at Batu Abah, Bali (Canon G9, D2000w, UCL165)

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
it's getting harder and harder to judge the nudis! they get better and better
Sea Krait.
Lionfish looking into the camera, Sony P5
"Lunchtime" (Nembrotha purpureolineata) at Batu Abah, Nusa Penida, Bali - (Canon G9, D2000w, UCL165)
Moray eel in a hole. Canon 40D, 100mm Macro, Inon z240 strobe.
"Coral Shrimp" from Raja Ampat, West Papua
Softcoralcrab, Sony P5
And now sleep:
Nikon D200, 60 macro, two strobo
Walea 2008
pink anemonefish
Striped Triplefin (Helcogramma striatum) in Tulamben, Bali (Canon G9, D2000w, UCL165)
The beautifull colors of the inside of a Giant Clamb, Raja Ampat, Papua. Taken with Fuji S2pro, 60 mm macro lense
Sunset over Manado Tua. Pure Gold.
Small fish swimming against some colourful coral. Canon 40D, 100mm Macro, Inon Z240 strobe.
Diver looking at cuttlefish. The cuttlefish was posing better for the camera than the diver!!! Taken with Canon G9 in Alor.
Crocodile Fish (Cymbacephalus beauforti) at Menjangan Island, Bali. (Canon G9, D2000w)
Large crab spotted on coral during a night dive north of manado. Canon 40D, 100mm Macro, Inon Z240.
This is a Scorpion Leaf Fish, not easy to photography, although it was sat on some coral it was swaying about quite a bit, like a leaf, hence the name. Taken with Canon 40D, 100mm Macro, Inon Z240 strobe.
Nudibranch, Flabellina family
Longnose Hawkfish, Tulamben
Commensal shrimp (Periclimenes venustus) with eggs in Tulamben, Bali (Canon G9, D2000w, UCL165)
Big sponge and wall
Nikon D200, 10,5mm lens ,two strobo and cleaned water
Walea 2007
Divers surfacing after a dive in the crystal clear waters of Raja Ampat, taken with Olympus SP350, Inon fisheye conversion lens in natural light.
Ornate Ghost-pipefish (Solenostomus paradoxus) in Tulamben (Canon G9, D2000w, UCL165)
An absolutely tiny Nudibranch (max. 4 or 5 mm) in Komodo National Park. Anyone know what species?
Porcelain crab in Anemone (Canon G9, D2000w, UCL165)
Pygmee squid (3 cm) eating a shrimp, shrimp eating something else. Raja Ampat Fuji S2 pro with 60 mm lense.
"Over The Top" - Flatworm (Prostheceraeus sp.) in Tulamben, Bali (Canon G9, D2000w, UCL165)
18786 Entries Found: Page 621  of  696

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