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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Indonesia

18786 Entries Found: Page 11  of  696
Finally settled down so I can take a pic
quick picture before ascending from 25Meters
Snap on baby frogfish
Dive site : Lembeh Strait, Indonesia
Shot on Olympus EPL-10 with Backscatter MF2
red bunch
Tiny frogfish covered in muck
Blue Ring Octopus
This is such a difficult subject-Hairy Shrimp as it constantly moving , and i had a tough time to get it in focus too.Hope its okay!!,
Marine turtle in Komodo
This image was captured just before i surfaced after a long dive!!
Hippocampus bargibanti
Clown fish & anemone
Marine Turtle
Raja ampat - marine turtle
Wobbegong face to face
Hippocampus histrix
underwater life - Raja ampat
Pleurosicya mossambica
wai island
goniubrancus kunei
Shaun the Sheep
In the blue - Bathfish
White Ardeadoris Nudibranch
A cute little fellow
Nudibranch on stage
18786 Entries Found: Page 11  of  696

dive sites Dive sites for Indonesia