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Underwater Photo Contest Entries By Arun Madisetti

399 Entries Found: Page 11  of  15
Eye of scorpion fish. Testing a RTR -Cuttlefish ringflash
Going down? (under permit)
Family group, taken under permit
backyard sunset.... 02.03.13
Sperm whale making a dive to over 1000m in search of food.
By the dawns early light
Mother love (taken under permit)
Ghost catch
a fishing buoy found 8 miles offshore had this bobbing on the end of it.The fisherman had lost his fight with the fish who took his handline and float, but in the end the line won.
a swim past at 30 ft, taken on snorkel and under permit.
"gizza kiss"
Taken under permit
waiting for a ride
Sperm whale dappled by the sun just under the surface
The female is called "Can opener" part of the Utensils group, I don't know who the kids are. Taken under permit
Happy new year!
Taken under permit
adult and children. D90/Ikelight taken under government permit.
Up to the surface D90/Ikelite
Taken under government permit.
Rainbows end
early one morning as the coffee was brewing
Shortnosed Batfish, SeaLife DC1000, camera flash.
Banana shrimp filter feeding
moon almost set but behind clouds
LA Bym a 1500m wall, part of the Soufriere crater
More from hurricane Sandy gathering strength
Runner Up Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Nice to see a little fine arts in the topside category, Arun.
What YOU lookin at? (Olympus 5050)
Weed line fun. SeaLife Dc1000
Hull inspection. Sperm whale comes seeking a turn on the boats "open mike"(hydrophone) Taken under permit
End of a long day. 10hrs at sea with a film crew.
399 Entries Found: Page 11  of  15