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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
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Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
posted (last week)
Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
posted (This month)
Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
posted (This month)
Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
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Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
posted (This month)

Underwater Photo Location: offshore

Underwater Photo Location: offshore

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by Arun Madisetti
new addition The larger one below is almost 10, the upper one is probably a month old. Olympus 5050, Inon Dome

by Arun Madisetti
far far away from land.... Olympus 5050, Inon wide and dome port. TAKEN UNDER PERMIT

by Arun Madisetti
Under the bridge

by Arun Madisetti
Out on the FAD. 5 miles out, 3 miles of water beneath.... Fish aggregating device

by Arun Madisetti
Tropical Storm Emily forming off the shore provided an awesome sunset.

by Arun Madisetti
Her name is Routine taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
not sure who this is, but hope to see her/him again this season. taken as always, under permit.

by Arun Madisetti
trying to fly. Sperm whale calf flexes its wings

by Arun Madisetti
Her name is Can-opener", because of a cut in her fluke that looks like a can opener... Hey, I don't name them. Taken under permit

by Ken Thiessen
Sunshine, bubbles and clear water, just some of my favourite things.

by Arun Madisetti
I'm ready for my close up. taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
Family portrait. Socializing sperm whales, Feb 2012 (taken under permit)

by Arun Madisetti
Mother and calf, taken under permit.

by Arun Madisetti
Socializing family group taken under permit.

by Arun Madisetti
Portuguese Man of war and Man of War fish

by Arun Madisetti
Portuguese Man of ward and associated fish. Today, the whales won.

by Arun Madisetti
Island view. First attempts at 50/50 several miles offshore.

by Arun Madisetti
"Going down", pair of Sperm whale on thier way to the inky depths taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
Sargassum and skyline

by Arun Madisetti
I'm ready for my close up now.. taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
Dylan and the whale. my son meets a whale. back onboard he said "it was ok", nothing more. At school..... he was a roockstar! (taken under permit)

by Arun Madisetti
Someone was blowing a conch at 430 this morning, indicating that they needed help or the fish were in the net already.. these were over the space of an hour. whilst i was having my coffee.

by Arun Madisetti
Hull inspection. Sperm whale comes seeking a turn on the boats "open mike"(hydrophone) Taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
Weed line fun. SeaLife Dc1000

by Arun Madisetti
Up to the surface D90/Ikelite Taken under government permit.

by Arun Madisetti
adult and children. D90/Ikelight taken under government permit.

by Arun Madisetti
Happy new year! Taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
The female is called "Can opener" part of the Utensils group, I don't know who the kids are. Taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
waiting for a ride

by Arun Madisetti
"gizza kiss" Taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
Ghost catch a fishing buoy found 8 miles offshore had this bobbing on the end of it.The fisherman had lost his fight with the fish who took his handline and float, but in the end the line won.

by Arun Madisetti
Mother love (taken under permit)

by Arun Madisetti
Sperm whale making a dive to over 1000m in search of food.

by Arun Madisetti
Family group, taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
Going down? (under permit)

by Arun Madisetti
Physalia and attendant Man o war fish, open ocean

by Arun Madisetti
Untitled - but taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
brought to the boat.

by Arun Madisetti
Dive boat gong on a night dive

by Arun Madisetti
Sperm whales socializing. (taken under permit)

by Arun Madisetti
taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
Offshore somewhere along the coast...

by Arun Madisetti
image as always taken under permit.

by Arun Madisetti
Close focus wide angle enough? Sperm Whale eye. 15mm D90, Ike housing.

by Arun Madisetti
Male and female, taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
Sabrina Belloni surfaces somewhere off the coast of Dominica D90/Ike, Sigma 10-20

by Ellen Cuylaerts
The motion of the ocean...

by Arun Madisetti
Saying hello. (taken under permit)

by Arun Madisetti
Is this my good side? Great day on the water today 010314. Taken of course under permit.

by Arun Madisetti
Common dolphin exhaling

by Arun Madisetti
Common dolphin

by Arun Madisetti
When spooked, a sperm whale will make a huge cloud of poop, which for us is impossible to see through, they use this to mask their disappearance, image taken under permit.

by Arun Madisetti
sperm whales "listen" with their lower jaw, this one is trying to figure out just what i am.

by Arun Madisetti
Leaving the boat

by Arun Madisetti
just passing by...under permit

by Arun Madisetti
Pod of Pilot Whales, the jet fighters of the marine mammal world. (Under permit)

by Arun Madisetti
Sabrina Belloni coming up from the depths.

by Peter Allinson
Sperm whale fractalized.

by Arun Madisetti
trio of Sperm Whale trying to get a good portrait. (under permit)

by Arun Madisetti
Sperm whales. Taken as always, under permit.

by Arun Madisetti
i know they're becoming overdone, but its what i do for a living not bucket list. taken as usual under permit

by Arun Madisetti
Sleeping giants. Pod of sleeping Sperm whale, taken under permit.

by Arun Madisetti
a good day to be on the water

by Arun Madisetti
"The third wheel". male and female with another female behind. Taken under govt permit. Ike, sigma 10-20, D90, 250th 400ISO F11

by Peter Allinson
Swimming with Sperm Whales and Amanda Cotton in the photo

by Peter Allinson
pod of sperm whales playing off of Dominica, taken under permit

by Peter Allinson
This is what happens when you get too close to a newborn calf. Taken under permit

by Peter Allinson
My son Marc making a new friend. Taken under permit

by Peter Allinson
adolescent sperm whale photo taken under permit

by Peter Allinson
Another sperm whale photo...taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
portrait please. (under permit)

by Arun Madisetti
somewhere in deep water, Freedom!

by Arun Madisetti
Offshore under the weed.

by Arun Madisetti
green flash

by Arun Madisetti
taken under govt issued permit

by Arun Madisetti
sperm Whale "decompressing" (taken under government permit)

by Arun Madisetti
Sperm whale dentition, shows the holes in the top jaw where the teeth fit. taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
smile please - taken under permit.

by Arun Madisetti
Leviathan descends, taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
pilot whale family unit, part of a megapod. (taken under permit)

by Dominic Dallaire
A pod of Sperm whales shedding their skins !

by Dominic Dallaire
A pod of Sperm Whales !

by Arun Madisetti
Family group, taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
rare shot of a sleeping pod with calves. adults form a ring around the kids.

by Romain Barats
a sperwhale tail very close during a socialization time

by Arun Madisetti
adolescent male and calf forming a close family bond. Taken under permit.

by Arun Madisetti
Sargassum starburst. 12 miles offshore, when you cant find what you want, work with what you have

by Arun Madisetti
frogfish with a fisheye lens.

by Arun Madisetti
3 Bottlenosed dolphin in the bow wave

by Arun Madisetti
Physalia in open water

by Arun Madisetti
tokina 10-17 fisheye and good luck

by Arun Madisetti
Spermie taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
Adolescent male and calf. taken under government permit

by Arun Madisetti
Curse of the Tokina 10-17. Sperm whales, off the coast, taken under permit

by Arun Madisetti
image taken under government permit

by Arun Madisetti
taken under permit somewhere far out to sea

by Arun Madisetti
A Pilot Whale on a calm day

by Arun Madisetti
Sperm Whales are incredibly social entities, very tactile in each others presence. taken under permit)
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