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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By John Hill

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Peoples' Vote

First time in the Philippines, greated by my favourite nudi,  Nembrotha :)
By John Hill
posted Friday, September 23, 2011
44 votes

A red and white Thorny Seahorse with soft lighting from my torch about a foot behind and to the right.  Some minor adjustments to the RAW file and levels in PS.
By John Hill
posted Tuesday, November 29, 2011
38 votes

Nembrotha :)
By John Hill
posted Thursday, February 23, 2012
38 votes

Two juvenile Squid mesmerized by my strobe light.  Night dive, Dumaguete.
By John Hill
posted Wednesday, December 7, 2011
35 votes

HERE'S JOHNY!!  A real
By John Hill
posted Thursday, November 3, 2011
33 votes

I was concentrating so hard on focus and composition i honestly didn't know there was a 2nd ghost pipe fish in the background. i had a nice surprise later  when i reviewed the pics. :)  Taken with canon G10 plus Inon macro lens
By John Hill
posted Sunday, February 14, 2010
32 votes

Poison Ocilate Octopus (about 3 inches tall).  It was out swimming but took refuge in this leaf as we came along.  Canon S-95, UCL 165 and Inon Z-240.
By John Hill
posted Sunday, October 9, 2011
32 votes

Seahorse with Backlighting.  Finally found one in the right position in the right surroundings for this type of shot, unfortunately alot of sediment in the water, so had to remove a fair amount of backscatter after the dive.
By John Hill
posted Friday, August 5, 2011
31 votes

Big Eyed Squat Lobster.  We had a lot of fun watching these little guys looking for better dwellings around the coral, as always the biggest one gets the best hole.  This one is about 10mm long (5mm between claws).  S-95 + stacked 165's.
By John Hill
posted Wednesday, September 28, 2011
31 votes

A Pearl Sea Star crawling up a small Polyp Stony Coral. Canon G10 + Inon Strobe.
By John Hill
posted Tuesday, May 18, 2010
30 votes
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99 Entries Found: Page 1  of  4
Tiny Goby playing hide and seek around it's home. (Or just trying not to get eaten by the giant with a camera) smile Getting close to these guys with stacked macro lenses is quite a challenge!!
Portrait - No Cropping. Secret Bay, Puerta Gallera.
Always fascinated by the colouration of scorpionfish. This one shot at night on "the barge" in the Red sea. smile
Nembrotha smile
Very small Pygmy pipefish 25mm long waving it's head about in a small patch of grass. Not bothered by big divers in the slightest. Puerta Galera, Canon s-95 with stacked 165's. smile
The Brain.
Trumpetfish concealing itself in a colourful blend of fan corals. S-95 + Single Strobe, Bunaken Island.
Juvenile Lionfish. It was slightly under and between a rock outcrop which partially blocked my strobe giving an almost "snooted" effect. smile
Pinky. Hyperactive but inquisitive. 3 mins for it to stop moving long enough to get one clean shot. Canon S-95 + UCL 165 x 2
Huray! for Moray's! (especially ones that like to pose for profile shots)
Bit of an abstract nudi. Very colourful underwater, almost looked liked flowing lava as it moved.
Two juvenile Squid mesmerized by my strobe light. Night dive, Dumaguete.
A red and white Thorny Seahorse with soft lighting from my torch about a foot behind and to the right. Some minor adjustments to the RAW file and levels in PS.
Very small Black Samoan Pipefish (4 inch) with red eyes.
Smile! Nembrotha pushing against some coral 'twigs'. It did this repeatedly for about a minute before moving on. S-95 + stacked 165's + single strobe.
First Zeno Crab encounter! Very pleased to finally tick this one off. Now, where's that whale shark....?
HERE'S JOHNY!! A real "shining" moment when this 4inch Frogfish popped through the weeds whilst i was looking at a crab about a foot below him. Certainly made me jump, then more than happy to take his pic. Luckily he didn't have an axe!
i was taking some pics of these anenomefish eggs when a juvenile popped up to have a look at what was going on. S-95 + UCL 165
Whip Coral Shrimp. Canon S-95 + UCL 165 + Z240.
Playing with a new toy. Under the dive boat, Apo Island, near Dumaguete, Philippines. Canon S-95 + Inon UWL-H100
Huddled. Striped Catfish found under half a barrel, there were about 30 but these were huddled together (not swimming), resting? Not bothered by me getting close to get a full frame shot, although i have croppped the top and bottom slightly smile
Poison Ocilate Octopus (about 3 inches tall). It was out swimming but took refuge in this leaf as we came along. Canon S-95, UCL 165 and Inon Z-240.
Glorious Flatworm. Always happy to see these undulating about. smile
Sea horse lit from behind with extended strobe. I've got several shots with "normal lighting" but i prefer this as it's a little different.
DO NOT POKE YOUR TONGUE OUT AT ME!! (i know it's really a foot) Some type of Molusca literally jumping along the sea bed. One of the strangest things i've ever seen.
Big Eyed Squat Lobster. We had a lot of fun watching these little guys looking for better dwellings around the coral, as always the biggest one gets the best hole. This one is about 10mm long (5mm between claws). S-95 + stacked 165's.
First time in the Philippines, greated by my favourite nudi, Nembrotha smile
99 Entries Found: Page 1  of  4