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Video Underwater Photo Contest Entries By David Cohn

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Peoples' Vote

macro of kelp purposely out of focus
By David Cohn
posted Saturday, September 5, 2009
22 votes

took this shot with two pen lights (not made anymore) and framer on a 1:1 insert ring-channel islands, santa barbara califosrnia
By David Cohn
posted Tuesday, August 11, 2009
17 votes

By David Cohn
posted Sunday, August 23, 2009
16 votes

By David Cohn
posted Saturday, August 22, 2009
13 votes

Picture taken at the Socorro Islands 250 miles south of Cabo san Lucas, with 15mm lens,nikonos 5 camera and a YS 300 strobe in May 2009
By David Cohn
posted Saturday, August 1, 2009
11 votes

By David Cohn
posted Saturday, August 22, 2009
11 votes

By David Cohn
posted Friday, September 4, 2009
11 votes

sheepshead head and teeth using macro-channel islands
By David Cohn
posted Sunday, September 13, 2009
11 votes

By David Cohn
posted Saturday, August 29, 2009
10 votes

filled up negative space with school of fish that all looked like they were looking at me. timing and good luck helpedShot with a 20mm nikonos lens on a nikonos 5
By David Cohn
posted Tuesday, August 18, 2009
9 votes
About Peoples' vote About Peoples' vote

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17 Entries Found
"Barry" the 'Cuda"..a big guy on a cozumel dive that didn't spook and gave me the evil eye.
sheepshead head and teeth using macro-channel islands
ascent and doing a safety stop
nitrox check at Socorro
macro of kelp purposely out of focus
"spanish dancer"
"camouflage" you almost can't see the small fish in this shot done with macro set up on a nikonos
"Optical Illusion" Homssass Springs and river on Florida's West coast. This was a discovery swm after seeing Manatees.
"shark dive" bahamas, no cages and no touching.-carribean reef sharks, lemons and occaisonal bull shark
"On a Mission".Done in cozumel on a "tortuga" dive across the channel. I was lucky to capture this turtle with a sense of motiionl-28mm lens on a nikonos
surface silhouette with no added light using nikonos and 15mm lens
"Wall of Sharks"--taken at roca partida (socorro islands) Mexico.I think these were "silkies" and i have never seen such a concentration of these large animals.Taken with a 15mm lens on a nikonos 5 camera in June 2009
filled up negative space with school of fish that all looked like they were looking at me. timing and good luck helpedShot with a 20mm nikonos lens on a nikonos 5
floating on the surface in a coastal river on floridas west coast while looking for manatees
anemone tentacles composed in ans "artsy" fashion with depth,color and lighting uniqely combined
took this shot with two pen lights (not made anymore) and framer on a 1:1 insert ring-channel islands, santa barbara califosrnia
Picture taken at the Socorro Islands 250 miles south of Cabo san Lucas, with 15mm lens,nikonos 5 camera and a YS 300 strobe in May 2009
17 Entries Found