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Purple Sea Urchin   Paracentrotus lividus
By Stefanos Michael
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Hypselodoris infucata nudibranch _March 2025
 CanonRF100 1/200 f18 iso100
By Antonio Venturelli
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Sunset in the Sea of Cortez. Fish minnow hatch was captured with GoPro 12.
By Lara Forchuk
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Mediterranean Slipper Lobster   Scyllarides latus
By Stefanos Michael
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Lemon Goby s in a bottle taken at Anilao  Batangas  Philippinges
By Roy Spraakman
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Taken Sombrero site off Anilao  Batangas  Philippines
By Roy Spraakman
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Underwater Photo Location: roca partida

Underwater Photo Location: roca partida

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doing a liveaboard on the SolmarV and this was the highlight of the trip in terms of variety of animals=sharks, whales,porpoises and mantas and others. I'd go back in a heartbeat. David
Facts about roca partida
  • It is in Mexico
  • roca partida is in the Pacific.
  • The typical depth is 0-30 Metres 0-100 Feet.
  • The typical visibility is 10-30 Metres 30-100 Feet.
Dive types

Marine Life

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Photo facilities

by David Cohn
"Wall of Sharks"--taken at roca partida (socorro islands) Mexico.I think these were "silkies" and i have never seen such a concentration of these large animals.Taken with a 15mm lens on a nikonos 5 camera in June 2009

by Jorge Alfonso Trujillo
While recovering 4 the last dive of the day someone shout "whaleshark to the aft of the ship!, everybody was running to get a pic and there it was the most gentle whaleshark I ever seen....speechless! Thats what respect between creatures is all about

by Jorge Alfonso Trujillo
Baby whitetips resting at the rocks of roca partida, Islas Revillagigedo

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
little megattera

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
mother end son.........

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
family of humpback whales

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
the leap.........

by Afflitti Gianluca
adult.........and small

by Afflitti Gianluca
humpback whales in the family

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Afflitti Gianluca
whales on the surface

by Afflitti Gianluca
"big" meeting

by Erick Higuera
While this momma humpback and her calf while remained motionless at 60' deep, I freedove to 60' deep to photograph them. It was amazing they didn't care about me!. I use a Subal Housing with a Nikon D70, a Tokina 10-17 and a 1/125, f/5.6 ISO 200

by Christian Nielsen
Who is watching who ? I took place on the balcony on Roca Partida beside the sharks and made the shot, from the sharks perspective. Happy they were docile sharks.

by Christian Nielsen
Galapagos and silvertip sharks at Roca Partida.

by Christian Nielsen
I like the pattern of the shark skin. Must be seen in big format. Fortunately the shark was a kind shark :-)

by Christian Nielsen
Dolphins close at Roca Partida, wrong lens, should have used 8mm fisheye in stead of 14 mm. They got very close and are rather big :-)

by Christian Nielsen
Who is watching who ? Another great encounter with numerable whitetip reef sharks at Roca Partida.

by Afflitti Gianluca
near the whale

by Christian Nielsen
Biggest whitetip shark in the universe ??? Or maybe a fisheye distortion, or maybe a very small diver ? Your choice :-)

by David Valencia
Friendly whale shark swims circles around the boat during surface interval. All had a great time swimming with the little guy.

by David Valencia
This school of silky sharks stuck around roca partida for at least three weeks. They came from the blue again and again. The school seemed to be largest in the mornings.

by David Valencia
Whale shark swimming circles around roca partida, mex.

by David Valencia
Whale shark swimming circles around our boat one magical day.

by David Valencia
A school of Silky and Silvertip sharks that seasonally meet at Roca Partida, Mex.

by David Valencia
A curious whale shark swims with a lucky snorkeler.

by David Valencia
We spent a lot of time with this whale shark....we watched as this Galapagos shark rubbed the underneath side of the whale shark. I've never seen anything like it...

by David Valencia
I've seen many silhouette shots with whale sharks, but I like this one because you can observe the snorkelers interacting. It seems every diver silhouette has its own story.

by Afflitti Gianluca
mother end son

by David Valencia
A Whale shark circles overhead with divers watching on.

by David Valencia
There's nothing more exciting than a baitball. Here's a look at the entire frenzy. A beautiful interaction of nature.

by David Valencia
This divemaster frees a 35ft whale shark from a thick fishing line. He had to keep up in strong current at 100ft. and peel the line from the skin after cutting the line in half.

by David Valencia
This momma and baby humpback whale allow a diver's close approach. What an amazing experience.

by David Valencia
Humpback Whales; This mother, calf, and escort male swam directly over us during a dive.

by David Valencia
An escort male pursues a momma and calf humpback whale. It only took a day before momma decided he didn't fit the bill. We found the momma and calf the next morning without the boyfriend.

by Afflitti Gianluca

by Wolfgang Zwicknagl
A group of resting whitetips had some really bad company ...

by Wolfgang Zwicknagl
Whitetip balcony @ Roca Partida, Islas Revillagigedos

by David Valencia
The Best Safety Stop ever! Momma and Baby humpback Whales rest motionless in front of divers.

by David Valencia
This Whale Shark circles as we observe its entangled in a thick fishing line. The line, wrapped around the midsection, was deeply embedded in the whale shark's skin and must have been there for some time. The shark was later cut free.

by Eric Addicott
Whitetip Reef Sharks at Roca Partida, taken with Sony RX-100.

by David Valencia
Whale Sharks frequent Mexico's Roca Partida almost year-round. This was a large female in Nov. They swim around the oceanic pinnacle again and again.

by Iskander Itriago
Silky sharks encounter at Roca Partida in Revillagigedos Archipelago México. We started the dive close to Roca Partida then we decided to drift out to the open ocean where we encountered over 100 silkys passing by.

by Lauren Berger
Whilst diving in the Socorro islands we came across a family of majestic Humpbacks at Roca Partida in the Socorro islands. These gentle giants stole my heart!

by Craig Mcinally
A curious baby humpback swims by me on the way to get a breath. The escort male is just visible behind momma. Despite the protection of the adult whales, two orcas killed and ate the baby the day after this photo was taken.

by Lauren Berger
After spending several days with this mama and calf at Roca Partida, Socorro, we watched in horror as two Orcas killed the baby. This photo reminds me of the beautiful encounter I had. The circle of life is magnificent yet cruel.

by Craig Mcinally
Giant's gaze. Male escort humpback eyes the photographer but passes calmly by, raising his pectoral fin just over my head to avoid contact.

by Lauren Berger
"The Last Breath". My last dive at Roca Partida in the Revillagigdeos with this curious two week old baby humpback whale before he was taken as prey by Orcas.

by Lauren Berger
"Motherhood". A mama humpback whale hovers over her two-week old calf, helping him to control his buoyancy.

by Craig Mcinally
Buoyancy. A still-buoyant baby humpback uses mom's body to stay below the surface.

by Steve Laycock
When is dinner ready ?

by Lindsey Mobley
Manta Ray gliding through the water. Shot at Roca Partida. My first liveaboard trip was to the Revillagigedo Islands.

by Nadya Kulagina
Baby white tip reef sharks

by Pieter Firlefyn
manta hypnose

by Pieter Firlefyn
White tip reef shark

by Pieter Firlefyn
White tip reef shark patrolling around Roca Partida.

by Pieter Firlefyn
white tips!

by Pieter Firlefyn

by Pieter Firlefyn
Green turtle
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