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Our UW photo contest is the longest running and most prestigious online. If you want to make a name for yourself this is THE place to do it. See some famous publications about winning photos.

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Underwater Photo Contest | Macro - not swimming

19931 Entries Found: Page 14  of  739
Smaller subjects typically 1 to 3 inches (2.5 to 7.5cm) shot on macro settings or with macro equipment that are NOT MOVING usually on the bottom (i.e. between 1:1 and 1:3)
Starry blenny
Common Names: Spotted hawkfish, blotched hawkfish, boar hawkfish, threadfin hawkfish on Barrel Sponge
Little Goby on whip coral
Three-headed eel
Gold Medal Gold Medal 2022
Winner Monthly HotShots
Final RoundThrough to 2022 awards final round judging
Eye of a crodile fish. The eye has very nice details.
Skeleton shrimp
this animal is known as the bobtail squid, it is mainly found in the pacific ocean. this photo was taken during a night dive in Raja Ampat.
Candy crab bokeh
Runner Up Monthly HotShots shortlistedShortlisted!
Shrimp with eggs
Bearded Goby
Garden ell, one of the hardest to shoot, but need to patient to take photograph and breathe very carefully to avoid the subject going down.
Not found them in lexicon...
Crab looks into the lens
Saw blade shrimp
Pleurosicya mossambica
Dark Knight
Backlit Seahorse.
Red lipstick
Poor crab
Juvenile Batfish
A small sea star is climbing a "dead man's rope"
Dasycaris zanzibarica
Harlequin crab with snooted strobe light
red dots
Vir philippinensis (take this shot with an old camera with a white beam snoot + a blue light & red light torch)
19931 Entries Found: Page 14  of  739