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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 83  of  452
White Frogfish or Scorpionfish ?
Girl by the shore with boat
A small blenny on a wire coral in Anilao, Battangas
File fish behavior - camouflaged in its natural soft coral habitat
Thorunna sp. Pink and purple nudi about 5mm. It has 4 longitudinal white bands on its back, I shot it in Anila, Philippines
One of the famous critters for blackwater
Thorn Crown the reefkiller
They can make a reef kompetly died when its have to much! its will see the coral
a white skelet afther past the thorn crown
Pink eyed goby.
lizardfish was laying on a piece of a wreck, I could only take one picture.
Tunicate Trumpet
Sponges are animals of the phylum Porifera. They are multicellular organisms that have bodies full of pores and channels allowing water to circulate through them.
full frame shot of a tiny hairy shrimp in Anilao, Batangas
Spikes all around - I saw this ornate ghost pipefish floating near a rope coral and waited until it drifted in front of the coral.
Title: Elegant
Date Taken: 27 NOV 2018
Location: Anilao Philippines
Camera: Canon 5D Mark 4
Housing: Sea & Sea
Lens: Canon 100mm Marco F/2.8L
Strobe: 2* Sea & Sea Ysd1
Diopter: Naticam SMC
Setting: F/8 1/125 ISO 400
感谢Casa Esco...
White-eyed Moray Eel (Siderea thyrsoidea)
7 Colors
Christmas Tree
Sea snake
The most venemous snake in the world
A kiss
Feisty Ribbon Eel
Wunderpus photogenicus larval stage
Post larval Mantis Shrimp in Blackwater
Final RoundThrough to 2018 awards final round judging
Jack and Jelly Fish...
Nudibranch Chromodoris annae
click here
Mandarin in its normal environment
12182 Entries Found: Page 83  of  452

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