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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Puerto Rico

1903 Entries Found: Page 70  of  71
secretary blennies in a star coral, in the dive site of super bowl in parguera, no photo shop!!!!
The engine, B52 engine
The eye Red shrimp, SP 350 OLYMPUS
Reef Octopus, Olympus SP 350
Our Cessna 172 from San Juan to ST. Thomas, a two day trip to dive.
Red bander shrimp, The wall Parguera.
Free swimming reef Octopus, Olympus sp 350.
reef octopus hugging a giant barrel sponge at day on the black wall in the parguera photo shop!
olympus sp-350- depht-65 feet
juvenil spotted drum in the dive site of the engine on parguera wall site! no photo shop!
Reef Octopus, The Wall south of the island, Olympus sp 350
Anemone,"Parguera" Olympus sp 350
shrimp in a bowl sponge at a night dive in break down reef in parguera, P.R.---no photo shops!!!!
My baby learning
fire coral with christmas tree in the forest in parguera , puerto rico
Red bander lobster
Anemone, the wall, Parquera,
Learning to dive Cayo Enrique Parguera PR
Crash Boat, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Interesting to focus on a part of a wreck, not just the whole thing. Well done Edgardo
Flaningo Tongue Snail -Taken at the Coral reserve Culebra Puerto Rico . Photo equipment was N-70 , lens Nikor Macro 60mm 2.8 housing and strobes Ikelite & Astia film slide 100iso
yellowtail snapper from above
Hawksbill Buck Island St. Thomas U.S.V.I. Taken with Cannon Power Shot S50
"Sleeping Beauty", this green turtle was caught sleepping in the crew staterooms of the WIT Concrete barge in St thomas U.S.V.I.. Photo taken with Nikon N-70 housed by Ikelite lens 20mm 2.8f nikor 100 velvia
WIT Concrete Barge at St. Thomas U.S. V.I.-Taken ( Labor day w/e)Nikon N-70 housed by Ikelite 20mm 2.8 f Nikor lens .
Nice crab taken from Guanica at the barracuda hole. Night shot with fine pix f30 underwater mode
Crash Boat , Aguadilla Puerto Rico.
Camera f30 from fine pix underwater mode. This is me and a few fish
Its a photo beatifull sea in Puerto Rico
Angel fish in La Conga Yabucoa P.R. Nikon N90 20mm wide lens P)hoto was croped
1903 Entries Found: Page 70  of  71

dive sites Dive sites for Puerto Rico