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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Puerto Rico

1903 Entries Found: Page 62  of  71
Spiny Flower Cora, Humacao, Puerto Rico, Camera DC200
Banded Tube-Dwelling Anemone.
Orange Icing Sponge,Humacao, Puerto Rico ,Camera DC310
Scorpion at night dive.
Caribbean Squid cruising by. Night dive at Escambrón.
Blue Bell Tunicate,Culebra Puerto Rico,Camera DC310
Black Margate,Humacao, Puerto Rico, Camera DC200
Ocellote crab at Escambrón night dive.
Atlantic Spadefish,Humacao,Puerto Rico,Camera DC200
Baby lobster at Escambrón night dive.
Sergeant Major,Crash Boat Aguadilla, Puerto Rico , Camera DC310
Reef Butterflyfish,Humacao, Puerto Rico,Camera, DC310
Common Octopus at Escambrón night dive.
Frond Oyster,Humacao,Puerto Rico ,Camera DC 200
Scorpion fish at night, Escambrón.
Caribbean Spiny Lobster,Humacao, Puerto Rico. camera Dc200
Lazy Parrot dozing off during Escambrón night dive.
Black Durgon, Parguera, Puerto Rico Camera DC500
Ocean Surgeonfish close-up during night dive at Escambrón.
Atlantic Wing Oyster,Humacao,Puerto Rico,Camera DC200
Barred Hamlet,Humacao, Puerto Rico ,Camera DC200
Roughtail Stingray,Humacao, Puerto Rico.Camera DC200
Common Octopus,Cayo Santiago Humacao ,Puerto Rico,camera DC200
Baby nurse.
Blue Crabs, seven Sea Beach, Fajardo, Puerto rico,Camera DC 500
Crash Boat ,Aguqdilla, Puerto Rico,Camera DC200
Rough Fileclam,Humacao, Puerto Rico Camera DC200
1903 Entries Found: Page 62  of  71

dive sites Dive sites for Puerto Rico