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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12180 Entries Found: Page 442  of  452
False Clown Anemonefish Household - The entire household of three seemed interested, although the little one seemed somewhat shy down there hanging out the bottom
Nudibranch was taken at divers sanctuary w/ my olympus C7... by Jun Yu
by: Jun Yu
Nudibranch was taken at divers sanctuary w/ my olympus C7070 last dec. 16, 2006.
Clownfish was taken last sept. 28, 2006 at divers sanctua... by Jun Yu
by: Jun Yu
Clownfish was taken last sept. 28, 2006 at divers sanctuary bauan batangas.
Ribbon eel - Taken in Anilao Batangas. Camera used: Canon Powershot A620, no strobe. - 2006
the most interesting moment :o)
Pink Anemonefish - I admire the contrast between the delicacy of the fins the stinging nature of the host anemone, the pink of the fish and purple of the anemone frond tips contrasting against the green of the frond lengths
Over/Under i took this picture at divers santuary in Bauan Batangas using my Olympus C7070.
And 2 more. C5050
Nudibranch - Delighted the gills are visible in such fine detail
Clown fish. What I like from this photo is the anemone more than the fish. I hope you like it too! C5050 and a torch.
A jellyfish. Photo taken in the Philippines at night. C5050.
Silver Medal Silver Medal 2006
Winner Monthly HotShots
Final RoundThrough to 2006 awards final round judging

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
A definitive Jelly shot Mikel
Anemonefish - Relaxed encounter during SDI Solo Diver commencement dive, believe this one found me less threatening since I was not part of a herd of loud bubbly neoprene-clad scary things; may be rethinking whether to be afraid after being strobed.
this fellow was very angry when we scare his prey away :o)
Christmas Tree Worms - Delightfully delicate variety of colors where they are found grouped poking out of the coral
Black and yellow symphony!
Nikon F80, 105mm
Help. first sight after a dive for a diver in Philippines
Nikon D100, 105 macro, two strobo
Shot take in Moal Boal , Cebù
Sun Mushroom Coral (Heliogungia actiniformis) - Thought it was an anemone that happened to lack resident anemonefish, took perseverence to identify it as a coral
dusk fishing in Anilao, Batangas.
False Clown Anemonefish - Photo taken at one of the Panglao Island dive sites southwest of Bohol; the delicate appearance of the translucent fin tips and the shimmering glow of the host anemone attract me to this photo.
P. vaiuli - my first underwater photo taken during a site survey for a marine sanctuary at Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park in Isabela Philippines... amatures luck...
frogfish 350d twin inon z240
whale shark abstract.donsol, D200,ikelite housing.
"Lion Fish"
nudibranch,puerto galera, D200,ikelite housing,ikelite strobes.
"Amazing Soft Coral"
hawk fish.puerto galera.philippines
12180 Entries Found: Page 442  of  452

dive sites Dive sites for Philippines