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Underwater Photo Contest Entries From Philippines

12182 Entries Found: Page 347  of  452
Magnificant Thresher Shark.
Malapascua Island
a usually shy subject who cooperated for a pose with this one...
My what big teeth you have!
leaf/paper fish, Balicasag Island
Saw blade shrimp. A very interesting subject that are quite shy but rarely leaves when being photographed. I used to have difficulties in finding them, they seems to be seasonal in certain places.
Squattie - 105mm VR +4 diopter no cropping
A portrait....
the circle
Runner Up - worthy of note but not a medal winner - an equal 4th place if you like! Runner Up 2010
Winner Monthly HotShots
Final RoundThrough to 2010 awards final round judging

editor's comments

Editor's Comment
Nudi Of the Month!
Just love the texture of this one......
frogfish hiding in a sponge on the wall, Balicasag Island, Philippines
A Blue Blenny for the new year!
Man with handlebar moustache!
Melibe engeli
"Open Wide"
Chasing froggy......
A stingray hanging out long enough to peek into a lense.
nudibranch in the forground and my wife higher up the wall
Balicasag Island, Philippines
under the boat at the end of the dive
First dive in 2010 and theres such an abundance, a good sign....
Close-up of a nudibranch in a dark nook.
Black & Orange
Frogfish does Samson by Jun Lao
by: Jun Lao
Frogfish does Samson
Giant Anglerfish by Jun Lao
by: Jun Lao
Giant Anglerfish
Happy New Year Everyone....
A close study of a scorpion fish taken with a Canon 5D, Sigma EX Macro lens - 105 mm - F/2.8, Ikelite housing and strobes. Taken at the Boulders, Puerto Galera, Philippines on a night dive.
12182 Entries Found: Page 347  of  452

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